Thread: Sig p227
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Old 09-10-2013, 06:48 AM
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Originally Posted by Excalibur View Post
I kinda like the Beretta pistol but only to collect and to customize to how I want it. Being issued one is the same as being issued with an M16. You work with what you got and complaining about it isn't making it go away.

I have read an article about some Green Berets switching over to Glock 19s when they were in Iraq. The story is they confiscated enough Glocks from corrupt police that they could outfit their entire unit. Most were 2nd gen Glocks but they loved the design, light weight and reliability. They ordered some mags, did some garage gunsmiting and they used them throughout their tour.
I've definitely seen photos of Green Berets and Rangers with Glocks doing state-side range work.
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