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Old 12-18-2012, 09:13 PM
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MT2008 MT2008 is offline
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Is there any chance we could acknowledge that maybe, in fact, there are some gun control measures that are actually reasonable responses to a massacre such as this? Even if we agree that calling for another AWB would not be one of those measures?

At times like this, what I'd like to see is actual dialogue between gun owners and gun controllers, rather than the usual demonizing of each other that tends to inevitably follow. The more you guys spout the usual BS about how we need more lenient conceal-carry laws*, and how those who support gun control are freedom-hating socialists, the more you're just going to keep digging your own graves.

*As with Aurora, I really hope that nobody believes conceal-carry laws would have made a difference in Newtown. When the perp has an AR-15 and body armor, he'll outgun anybody carrying a concealed sub-compact Glock or .38 snub.
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