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Old 01-06-2009, 05:06 AM
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Originally Posted by MoviePropMaster2008 View Post
We've had to operate under this Bulls**t work stoppage for the last three months now. No one is starting any projects until they figure out what the actor's union is going to do. And meanwhile as they keep pushing out the date for their 'strike vote' (now it's Jan 13th), no (and I mean NONE) projects are being started now for fear of being shut down by a strike. It's killing all of the support industries. Imagine not making any $$ for the last three months and trying to live off of that.

We'll see if I'm unemployed for the next 9 months or the actor's union will come to their senses and NOT strike.
I thought about asking you about this a while back, but wasn't sure it was in good taste at the time.

Of course, you'd think those selfish douchebags would think about predicaments like yours and how strikes tend to be counter-productive if you're actually hoping to make MORE money. But then, this is Hollyweird we're talking about.

Hope things work out for the best.
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