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Old 05-26-2009, 01:32 AM
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Originally Posted by ManiacallyChallenged View Post
I'll agree with the brute force of the IED.
The ultimate fire and forget weapon, you place it and leave. It will wait as long as it has to.
As scary and sad as the situation is with our soldiers facing those, I have to be a little impressed. Just like the Japanese in WW2, and the US in the revolutionary war, tactics that are unorthodox can do real damage.
Exactly. IEDs just make way more sense from a guerrilla's point of view. There's less risk of getting caught. And even though the jihadists want to die ASAP so they can get their 70 virgins, they're still smart enough to understand how much better IEDs work for their purposes, even compared to suicide bombers. Suicide bombers look scarier on the news to civilians, but I'm pretty sure IEDs are what soldiers in combat fear more.
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