Thread: Randomness 2
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Old 05-06-2011, 07:41 PM
Reach Reach is offline
Join Date: Dec 2010
Posts: 87

Originally Posted by MT2008 View Post
Or...just ignore him and let him go through the phase. He'll get past it once he realizes that acting gangsta won't earn you "respect", as I learned 10 years ago (and as I continue trying to teach Zulu, to no avail). Plus, one can still listen to rap without wanting to act black. My gym/running playlist has David Banner, Flo Rida, and Three-6 Mafia songs, and I still listen to Lupe Fiasco. But because I no longer feel the need to adopt other people's identities as my own (or piss off my parents), I can just listen to rap without wanting to act gangsta.

Also, I had no idea there were still wiggers, in 2011? I figured that trend would have exhausted itself by now.
you already banned him, dont you think this is just pissing on his grave?