Thread: 50 BMG Dummies
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Old 05-06-2011, 01:47 PM
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MT2008 MT2008 is offline
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I'm not going to encourage you to break the law, but...if there is a law against owning .50 BMG dummy rounds in Canada, it sounds pretty difficult to enforce. But there is obviously a huge difference between the U.S. having a law against export of these rounds (which affects only U.S. citizens) vs. Canada having a law against possession. If the former is the only thing stopping you, then I don't think it would be illegal for you to find a gun show across the border and pick some up.

Totally unrelated, but I own two dummy .50 rounds. Got 'em for $1 at a gun show about 10 years ago. They were a neat little souvenir, but if there are legal issues to consider in Canada, I can tell you that they're nothing too special. Mine mostly just sit in a locked box with my pistol ammo and I don't take them out much.
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Last edited by MT2008; 05-06-2011 at 01:49 PM.
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