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Old 05-02-2011, 06:09 PM
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Originally Posted by k9870 View Post
Apaprently hes been in that setting a very long time too. Our first lead was august i think? And the compunds been standing like 5 years. I really dont understand pakistan though. They see this big compound and never check it out? Have a military installation near by? They could have just blown the gate open and taken osama out, theyd look good to the americans too. Hell their economy sucks bad enough the reward money wouldve come in handy too.
Remember that when you talk about the "Pakistani government", you basically aren't talking about a single cohesive entity. If Bin Laden was receiving Pakistani government protection, we're probably talking about rogue elements of the military (particularly the ISI), not the entire government. It's not even obvious that those dudes would have been motivated solely by ideology, either (Bin Laden might have simply been paying them off).

But we'll find out more, I am sure. Bin Laden's death is probably going to cast more light upon the ISI-Taliban-Al-Qaeda relationship than ever before.
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