Originally Posted by S&Wshooter
Same guy?
Haha, no. It actually started as a place holder last until I could find some other name. Overtime I got used to him being Paul Ferenc and just plan to deny I ever played Far Cry 2 if this gets published
Originally Posted by Swordfish941
Very good. I'd advised that you put spaces between your paragraphs. And does this story take place in the future?
There were spaces and indents and italics on those Japanese words, but the copy-paste from the Word file got rid of most of them.
And no, the story is set in current-times. It's sad (or funny, depends on how you look at it) because I started this story about a week-and-a-half before the situation in Japan took a dump. So I've been toying to either set it a good few years before the date I have planned or a few years after.
Why you ask?