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Old 12-03-2010, 07:12 PM
BurtReynoldsMoustache BurtReynoldsMoustache is offline
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Originally Posted by Markost View Post
You´re wrong, we´re not talking about Central America Maras, we´re talking about organized crime. Just like the russian mafia or mexican drug cartels.
You think those organizations were born of bored rich dudes? They all started with a few impoverished individuals deciding they didn't want to follow the rules anymore and that they would get rich or die trying. The Russian mafia is an evolution of medieval bandit guilds. I don't know the exact origins of the Mexican cartels, but I'm pretty sure it wasn't a weekend project for some listless industrialists.

Originally Posted by Markost View Post
Dude, in the favelas you´ll find the criminals and gangster, but many people are honest and hardworking (in fact, there are more workers than criminals). The Alemao was an example of that: a gang controlling an entire zone. Once you defeat the gangs, the police and later the goverment controls the area. Just think about your neighborhood after 20 years with no government presence or police.
The gangs only have that capability because they make so much money from drugs.

Originally Posted by Markost View Post
Oh, and about the bulldozing, there´s a plan being developed since Lula´s government to urbanize the favelas. But seriously, can you build schools, houses and streets while everything is being controlled by gangs? I don´t think so.
That sounds like a good idea, but only if they allow the displaced population to remain. You can't kick people out, pave over everything, and then build mansions. They'll just start up a new slum somewhere else.

Originally Posted by Markost View Post
You realize that you need mechanized infantry when your enemy can shoot down helicopters... ( )
Human trafficking and auto theft doesn't yield enough money for that sort of thing. That was the point I was trying to make.