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Old 11-22-2010, 08:22 PM
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Originally Posted by BurtReynoldsMoustache View Post
Well this is completely different. What you're describing is somebody caught up in the horrible clusterfuck that is domestic violence. The laws concerning that sort of thing are all fucked up and what should be a very clear cut case (she attacked the son, he moved to defend the son) is instead an idiotic boondoggle that has resulted in him being labeled the bad guy. He shouldn't have any sort of record for that, she is the one who should be locked away.
Right, but what about this:

Originally Posted by MT2008 View Post
I have a friend whose ex-boyfriend has PTSD (he did two tours Cav in Iraq), and he's prone to all sorts of paranoid fits and temper tantrums. She broke up with him, and at one point, he texted her and threatened to shoot her. Later (after his parents intervened), he finally apologized to her, and now he's in therapy. Personally, I don't want this dude to have guns given his current mental state, but I also don't think he needs to be imprisoned just because I don't trust him with weapons.
You've said that people who can't be trusted with guns should be locked up. Don't you think that would be too extreme in this case?
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