Thread: Randomness 2
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Old 10-01-2010, 01:42 AM
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Originally Posted by Swordfish941 View Post
Here's some laws I would propose If I were president:

* A Bale Out bill: It basically consists of Christian Bale yelling at the economy until it fixes itself.

* All milk must come from Jennifer Connelly's boobs.

* Ann Coulter will be deported to Guantanamo Bay.

* Whenever you see Ashton Kutcher, you must throw fast food at him.

* If you see an ACLU lawyer, kick them in the nuts (or if it's a chick, in their taco).

* Laura Prepon must go back to being a redhead (she's hotter with red hair).

* Kanye West will be banned from attending the MTV Music Video Awards.

* The following people will be added to the No-Fly list:

* All the members of the Westboro Baptist Church.

* TEA party protesters.
Sounds like somebody wants to be Stewie Griffin.
Cry "Havoc," and let slip the hogs of war.