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Old 04-15-2009, 04:25 AM
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Originally Posted by Gunmaster45 View Post
I've shot a few Glocks and I love them. I recommend them. Glocks are super easy to dissassemble and clean, so I thought that was an awesome feature as well. Plus, it's a cop gun, so it's cool...
Personally, I like to think my pistols are guns that cops don't use. Simply because I've met too many cops who were sleazy, lazy, and incompetent. Plus, commonplace. That's part of the appeal of SIGs to me - every local cop at Dunkin Donuts has a Glock of some kind, whereas SIGs are the preferred choice of the far-better trained Federal LE agencies and SF units.*

*OK, that's not totally true. Here's in Texas, SIGs are pretty common. When I first moved here, I saw some Highway Patrol officers eating lunch at a Mexican restaurant, and they carried DAK versions of the P226 and P229 on their hips.
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