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Old 09-15-2010, 03:38 PM
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MT2008 MT2008 is offline
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I don't think it's necessarily a problem to point out that a certain gun came from a certain armory if we're sure it's true (i.e. I know that those "Timecop" guns that have been on all of the "Stargate" shows came from one particular armory.)

But crediting a specific armorer or armory for the guns poses a bunch of problems:

Originally Posted by predator20 View Post
I think that sounds like a good idea. But as Astra said, the bottom of the page would be fine. Since we would taking the time to list them. Would they have their own pages as well? Like Al (gunguy) already has a page because of some acting. But would also list him under Category:Armorer. The thing about listing the weapons house there could be several of them that supplied guns for the film. They may not even be listed on credits which kind of sucks. Sometimes an armorer is not listed would we go by the property master who is in charge of everything not just weapons?
This is a big problem. On a big show where there's a lot of weapons, the guns usually don't come from just ONE armory. As armorers on here have told us, they rent to each other all the time, either because somebody has a weapon that they don't have, or because they're short on a particular type of weapon needed for a show. In general, the more guns you see on screen, the more likely it is that those weapons came from more than one place.

The same applies to armorers themselves. Any particular armorer (handler or gunsmith) is rarely a permanent part of the crew. That is why they frequently go uncredited - sometimes, you may have a show where all of the scenes with guns are filmed in a 1-week period (out of a 6-week shoot), and the armorer is only on-set for that period of time. Or, on shows where there are lots of guns being used for the entirety of filming, it's common for a particular armorer to be there for only part of the time. Sometimes, you have a show where 10 different armorers were on-set for different parts of the shoot, and only 1 or 2 (or none) receive credits.

Long story short, it wouldn't be worthwhile because unless we have all of the rental records (which we won't), we cannot assume that the armorer credited on IMDB is the only guy who handled the guns on-set, or that the guns came from only one particular armory.
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