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Old 07-16-2010, 03:13 PM
Jcordell Jcordell is offline
Formerly "Checkman"
Join Date: Nov 2008
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Yes it does. In the first season there was an episode where Reid wasn't able to qualify with his Glock. So he is unable to carry it which causes him some distress. Without his service weapon he's just another brainy geek. Actually it's a pretty good story. Cops/Federal Agents really attach alot of weight to the tools of the trade. It's part of our identity. Right or wrong it's a fact.

Anyway during the course of an investigation everything goes South. In this case there is a hostage situation and Reid has to use Hotchner's (Thomas Gibson) back up revolver from Hotch's ankle holster. He center punches (between the eyes) the bad guy and gets his Glock back.

It's actually a pretty good story. As a result I'm surprised that they never bothered to explain the switch to a revolver. I'm not F.B.I., but I imagine an agent might be able to get a waiver to carry a different model/style of handgun if the reason was valid. Most bureaucratic organizations do make allowances for differences. Believe it or not. I know we're all a bunch of gun buffs here, but in my opinion they should have a backstory.

Okay I am now switiching off my Anal Mode.

Last edited by Jcordell; 07-16-2010 at 03:20 PM.
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