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Old 07-14-2010, 05:33 PM
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Spartan198 Spartan198 is offline
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Default Well, this sucks...

Just found out that around 15 hours ago, IPBFree, the host that my Resident Evil forum is, or rather was on, was suddenly shut down permanently with no warning, and my board went with it. Thousands of other forums in addition to mine met the same fate. And the IPBFree administrative team claims "legal reasons" prevent them from telling us why, which I quite frankly find no different from a car manufacturer calling you up and telling you your car is being recalled but claim they can't legally tell you why.

I worked at that place for almost a year, making it what it was, but now all that effort down the drain. So now I've got to gather as many of my members as I can in one place, choose a new host, and start from scratch on the "II" version of my site.

*Bangs head on desk repeatedly*
"Everything is impossible until somebody does it - Batman

RIP Kevin Conroy, the one true Batman
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