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Old 06-25-2010, 12:05 AM
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MT2008 MT2008 is offline
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I happen to have liked "Rampage".

Originally Posted by Excalibur View Post
There is just nothing subtle about this guy in any of his movie. Like in Rampage. During the scene while the kid was arming up, putting his suit on, and loading his guns, we heard in the background news about school shootings, internet videos about people ranting about the government, someone else ranting about killing random people who take up space. Yeah this is SUCH a good movie that we had to heard all the character's motivations in the background like that.
Sorry, dude, but actually, 'ol Uwe is WAY ahead of you on this one.

You missed the whole point of the movie. We really don't know for sure why Bill goes on the rampage. Yeah, he listens to (right-wing) news, but he also listens to his friend ranting about commie bullshit. Since we know that he sets up his friend to take the fall for the massacre, it might be that he's just trying to study how conspiracy theorists think in order to imitate them. The videos he made might also have been filmed later in order to cover his tracks, so that nobody thinks he did it only for the money.

Or, he might really believe everything he said. But the point is, we don't know for sure. It's meant to be vague because it makes the character scarier.
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