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Old 05-04-2010, 04:28 PM
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Originally Posted by Yournamehere View Post
Hair metal is a sub-genre of metal, and while it probably isn't what S&W is talking about, it's still a form of metal. AC/DC is technically not metal but was a significant influence.
I've always thought AC/DC can be considered somewhat metal. All Music Guide lists them within Heavy Metal (though it also says they can be considered Hard Rock, Arena Rock, etc.)

Originally Posted by Yournamehere View Post
Anyhow, metal music, to me, is kind of a loud clusterfuck of vocals, typically with irrelevant subject matter and a lot of distortion, and instruments being pushed to their sound limits, all of which is usually as loud as it can possibly be. I personally don't like it, as I like lyrical content and I generally just don't like the sound, at least not more than hip-hop bass or simple acoustic/electric guitar. Metal is more complicated where I want it to be simpler, and vice versa. I got friends that like it/know it, but it doesn't trip my trigger, at least not like other genres.
Come on, there's plenty of hip-hop that is utterly devoid of any meaningful lyrical content. I listened to hip-hop long enough to appreciate that the "heads" love to rip on all of the "gangsta" and "pop"-rappers who don't "keep it real" or whatever.

As for the music, it's easy to attack hip-hop for being totally uncomplicated, since it is based on sampling and sequencing rather than playing an instrument (except for The Roots and a few others).
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