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Old 04-01-2010, 02:53 PM
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MT2008 MT2008 is offline
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Yeah, I don't think it's that big a deal if people who aren't big into guns make mistakes. It's not their hobby, so who gives a damn? Just because somebody's a soldier, a cop, or whatever doesn't mean they have to like guns, either.

What I DO find annoying is when I meet airsofters or "CoD" players who aren't even old enough to buy guns, but nonetheless think that talking about and reading about guns on the 'Net makes them gun experts. Like all the people who insist that "M16s suck, AKs are the best", simply because they read it somewhere. Or the people who (and I'm one of them) think H&K makes the best guns ever, and then just as quickly turned against them when Larry Correia wrote his famous "HK. Beacuse you suck" blog.

Actually, I think I've become mostly just tired of people in general who feel the need to complain about how much a particular gun/brand sucks, or rocks, or whatever. Like the Desert Eagle, which has become the whipping boy for Internet gun users. I mean, I know that the Desert Eagle isn't a practical weapon and that it's over-priced, but do we really need 100 topics about how much it sucks, and how much people who own them suck? If you don't like the Desert Eagle, don't buy one. You aren't some expert just because you can piss on a weapon that thousands of people already piss on, daily.

I wish people would just take Larry's advice that you shouldn't let the Internet influence your opinions about weapons you've never even shot.

Originally Posted by Zulu Two Six View Post
one of my dumbass friends think a 1911 is a *sigh* desert eagle
I once corrected a page done by an IMFDB member who thought the opposite - that a Desert Eagle (appearing in a TV show episode) was a 1911, because he was big into WWII weapons but knew little about modern weapons. I remember thinking at the time that it was kinda strange because I had figured everyone who ever saw "The Matrix" knew what a Desert Eagle was. But nonetheless, I corrected the page, so whatever. Some people really just aren't familiar with particular eras of weapons. Who cares?

Last edited by MT2008; 04-01-2010 at 03:01 PM.
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