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Old 02-08-2010, 05:08 AM
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Originally Posted by k9870 View Post
Facism the government controls people, socialist/communist regimes control people and convince them it the right thing, bringing many to their side.
Actually, they're both like that. The difference is that fascists appeal to a particular ethnic/religious group that feels like it's under siege from foreigners and minorities, and it encourages them to be ultra-nationalist and bellicose. Socialists appeal to the poorest of the poor (usually in countries that have lots of poor) and promise them that if they overthrow the economic/political elites, they'll be able to share in the wealth that was denied to them.

They're both collectivist, anti-individualist ideologies that always bring misery and death, not only to their "enemies", but also to the people that they're supposed to benefit.