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MT2008 02-10-2009 01:59 AM

Damn it!
Obama has taken over TV for his stupid news conference tonight. Please tell me they're still gonna have "24" on soon...

MT2008 02-10-2009 02:02 AM

OK, never mind. WHEW!

MoviePropMaster2008 02-17-2009 04:21 AM


Originally Posted by MT2008 (Post 626)
Obama has taken over TV for his stupid news conference tonight. Please tell me they're still gonna have "24" on soon...

But you should be thankful that the Messiah is on, versus that crappy Jack Bauer! Phooey on Capitalist Pic Jack Bauer! Killing those innocent terrorists! Soon you will be declaring yourself a 'gun free zone', full of hope and optimism and socialism.....

MT2008 02-17-2009 04:38 AM

Fortunately, it seems I was wrong and Obama doesn't yet think he's on Jack Bauer's level. But I sure hope he doesn't ever make the mistake of believing otherwise.

I don't know who the hell even wants to hear another of Obama's lame speeches about how the economy sucks and how we need to hand over even more money for him to squander. They all sound the same, anyway...

Gunmaster45 02-17-2009 06:08 AM

Well Jack Bauer is going to have to deal with a lot more terrorists now that Obama is closing Guantanimo bay. What the hell was he thinking?

Excalibur 02-17-2009 09:21 AM

Maybe he's going to secretly execute them all. No need for a prison then.

MT2008 02-17-2009 08:03 PM


Originally Posted by Gunmaster45 (Post 686)
Well Jack Bauer is going to have to deal with a lot more terrorists now that Obama is closing Guantanimo bay. What the hell was he thinking?

Actually, it's the opinion of my former bosses at Stratfor that Obama's foreign policy and his attempts to differentiate from Bush are mostly posturing more than anything else. They see him as trying to appease his most left-wing supporters while simultaneously carrying out plans that Bush himself had already put into motion. Guantanamo represents more of a token gesture than a major shift in policy.

But economically, I will never be able to get excited about the idea of having a quasi-socialist President and a Congress full of Democrats calling the shots. When we're in a recession, the last thing anyone should want is for more Democrats to be in charge.

MoviePropMaster2008 02-19-2009 05:05 AM

I thought you were looking at THIS when you said "DAMMIT"!!!
"We're here to ban your guns! We won the election! Prepare to get fucked!"

MT2008 02-23-2009 05:34 AM

I say much worse than "Damn it" when I see a picture of her...

MT2008 03-18-2009 02:23 AM



Originally Posted by MoviePropMaster2008 (Post 682)
But you should be thankful that the Messiah is on, versus that crappy Jack Bauer! Phooey on Capitalist Jack Bauer! Killing those innocent terrorists! Soon you will be declaring yourself a 'gun free zone', full of hope and optimism and socialism.....

Actually, I'm beginning to think that Jack's going soft on us. I've been a bit dismayed lately by some of the stuff I've seen in this season of "24". Like, "President Taylor" giving one of those lame public service announcements about how global warming is such a serious threat during a commercial break. And the fact that the show's writers are obviously concerned about being seen as "racist" for making a black African warlord the villain, so they have to include an evil PMC as the over-arching conspirator behind the attacks. And now, they also have to show Jack expressing remorse for being a badass.

I'm starting to worry that the next season will have Jack taking an hour break in the middle of the "day" to watch "Sex and the City" with Chloe and Renee. Or maybe Kiefer Sutherland will start appearing in L'Oreal commercials. Excuse me while I run off and vomit...

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