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predator20 11-27-2012 05:26 AM


Originally Posted by S&Wshooter (Post 36918)
If I end up with a whole bunch of S&W Model 59 pattern magazines, I'm going to end up acquiring some more guns that take them, like a Kel tec Sub 2000, Marlin Camp 9, another 9mm Smith, Daewoo DP51, etc

You gotta give it to Smith for making the 59 series mags work in any generation. If I had the extra coin, I would get a 915 from the same seller that has the HP. He's got them for $250. I totally spaced out a few weeks ago and missed this killer deal on a 659.

I wouldn't mind getting a Sub 2000 if the prices hadn't gone apeshit. I still got several Glock mags lying around.

S&Wshooter 11-27-2012 05:31 AM


Originally Posted by predator20 (Post 36920)
I wouldn't mind getting a Sub 2000 if the prices hadn't gone apeshit. I still got several Glock mags lying around.

It'd be a sweet truck gun, and if I had one, I'd get a few more Model 59 pattern 20 rounders to go along with it.

ColonelTomb 12-23-2012 09:12 PM

Anyone going nuts before the very likely "Assault Weapons Ban" comes into effect? I'm looking into a Glock 21. I also have a feeling that I'll have my hands full reloading ammo over the next I-don't-know-how-long due to the inevitable shortages.

k9870 12-24-2012 07:10 PM

i backordered pmags just in case. There are none around though, theres people who already have 50 mags buying more while newer gun owners are getting nothing.

What i dont get, is i couldnt find much ammo on shelves. Obummer may ban Assault weapons (unlikely it will pass the republican controlled house) but that wouldnt ban ammo. To me its just stupidity. Buy what will be banned, leave whats safe. Half the people panic buyng are buying carry handguns that cant hold 10 rounds.

worst case scenario is a ban happens and congress gets gutted at midterms like in 94.

Yournamehere 12-25-2012 08:26 AM


Originally Posted by S&Wshooter (Post 36899)
Three Pro-Mag made magazines for my 459 / 6906

What predator20 said. Mec-Gar and factory are vastly superior to Pro-Mag. I'd go so far as to say your dad wasted his money if he paid more than 20 bucks a pop for them. Even getting factory mags isn't that big of a deal on Midway, or ones for the 459 on Gunbroker. It's not that hard to get a money order made to pay someone on GB...


Originally Posted by predator20 (Post 36909)
Guns sold. (S&Wshooter and Yournamehere are going to hate me)
Smith 4505, it was a tank and I'll likely never come across one again. But I like shooting my P220 better. Model 60, nice piece, but chewed my hand up. Prefer to carry and shoot the Kahr CM9. Model 64, it was DAO, got my Model 10.

I'm leaning more toward function over form considering my budget and that I'll be able to carry soon, and I've considered dumping my 92SB to fund a carry gun, so while it may have been a dumb move from a collectors standpoint, I understand and respect your decision sir. Now if you didn't make money on the black gem that is the 4505, then there's some concern there.

Oh yeah I took the course to get my permit. Gotta visit the FDOA and finish the process to get the card, and then sell either the 92SB or the Model 19 to fund a carry gun. Looking at a 6906 mostly for cost reasons, but it beats out my other choice, a P228, in that arena as well as finish and availability. I plan on perfecting it over time though as I'm not good on the mag disconnect, the bobbed hammer, the baseplates, or the grip.

S&Wshooter 12-25-2012 02:41 PM


Originally Posted by Yournamehere (Post 37311)
Oh yeah I took the course to get my permit. Gotta visit the FDOA and finish the process to get the card, and then sell either the 92SB or the Model 19 to fund a carry gun. Looking at a 6906 mostly for cost reasons, but it beats out my other choice, a P228, in that arena as well as finish and availability. I plan on perfecting it over time though as I'm not good on the mag disconnect, the bobbed hammer, the baseplates, or the grip.

I'd recommend the 6906, but don't get rid of a Model 19 to get one. Mine feels, in size, "just right", and I'll probably start carrying it in my truck after I get more 9mm hollowpoints

I agree with you about not being "good" with the baseplates. I think it would be better if they were flat

predator20 12-25-2012 04:14 PM


Originally Posted by Yournamehere (Post 37311)
I'm leaning more toward function over form considering my budget and that I'll be able to carry soon, and I've considered dumping my 92SB to fund a carry gun, so while it may have been a dumb move from a collectors standpoint, I understand and respect your decision sir. Now if you didn't make money on the black gem that is the 4505, then there's some concern there.

Oh yeah I took the course to get my permit. Gotta visit the FDOA and finish the process to get the card, and then sell either the 92SB or the Model 19 to fund a carry gun. Looking at a 6906 mostly for cost reasons, but it beats out my other choice, a P228, in that arena as well as finish and availability. I plan on perfecting it over time though as I'm not good on the mag disconnect, the bobbed hammer, the baseplates, or the grip.

Yeah when I sold the 4505, it was the only one I've made money on. Most of time I'm lucky to break even or lose a little bit. I would sell the 92SB to fund a carry gun over the Model 19. Even though the 92SB isn't that common anymore, there's plenty of the 92FS models out there if you want to get another later on. The Model 19 not so much.

In gun purchase news, got a Springfield M1A "Loaded" this past weekend. Hell of time to get one, since most mag suppliers are sold out. But was able to find a few to purchase that were in stock. Also able to get some ammo at an okay price as well, since nobody really likes to bulk up on 7.62NATO.

SPEMack618 12-25-2012 04:22 PM

Pops gave me his Remington 1100 in 20 ga. for Christmas. He said he overheard my girlfriend talking about how she could never go skeet shooting or hunting with me because I didn't have a shotgun she could comfortably shoot.

Yournamehere 12-25-2012 09:08 PM

The reason I've considered the Model 19 over the 92SB is that Model 19s as a whole aren't as rare, and it's not practical for anything I'd do, nor is it the ideal collectors Model 19. It shoots good with the target trigger/hammer, but I never want to pay the ridiculous ammo bill for .357 Magnum, and I hate cleaning .38 Special rings out of the cylinder. As for collector status, it's not pinned and recessed, and even though the 6 inch barrel with the red ramp is rare, it's not quintessential like a 4 inch is. The long barrel makes it impossible to carry efficiently if I'm feeling wheelgunnish as well, and I'd be terrified of wearing the bluing. If I could do it over again I'd have bought a 4 inch Model 19-3 or 19-4 with the red ramp, or settled for a solid black front sight post. For a more functional revolver I would have gone for a Model 66 or early production 686, both of which are the most balanced in terms of practical use and collectibility.

The SB would be almost impossible to find again in any condition, though Predator is right on the FS front, and frankly the FS is way more quintessential and practical. But, as it stands, I can see myself taking the Beretta on a range trip (and I have since I got it) whereas I can't see myself taking the 19 (In the 3 years I was in Oregon, I never shot it due to cost reasons and inability to find 158 grain bullets to be on the safe side with the whole forcing cone concern).

All that said, I am still on the fence with it, and I do have a Hi-Power I could potentially part with as well... decisions, decisions.

AdAstra2009 12-26-2012 12:12 AM


Originally Posted by ColonelTomb (Post 37285)
Anyone going nuts before the very likely "Assault Weapons Ban" comes into effect? I'm looking into a Glock 21. I also have a feeling that I'll have my hands full reloading ammo over the next I-don't-know-how-long due to the inevitable shortages.

I don't see the point on going crazy buying handguns before an assault weapons ban. The supreme court has already ruled that handguns are protected by the 2nd amendment.

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