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funkychinaman 05-14-2014 03:02 AM


Originally Posted by commando552 (Post 40640)
Yeah, this is a good pic to show the similarity. People are speculating that it will borrow quite heavily from that (especially with them saying there will be a second power armour type bat-suit), and also from "Kingdom Come" as supposedly Batman has had a falling out with robin/nightwing and has bat drones that help with the crime fighting.

If I recall, Dick Grayson was Red Robin in Kingdom Come. Not only would that be super confusing (with Tim Drake being the real Red Robin,) the original Red Robin costume was a bit silly.

Spartan198 05-14-2014 12:35 PM


Originally Posted by Swordfish941 (Post 40637)
It actually looks pretty good, and I love how the Batmobile looks like an actual car this time around.

Maybe it's just me, but I prefer the "smash through anything in front of it" look of the Tumbler.

commando552 05-14-2014 02:28 PM


Originally Posted by Spartan198 (Post 40643)
Maybe it's just me, but I prefer the "smash through anything in front of it" look of the Tumbler.

The best Batmobile for smashing stuff is the one from The Dark Knight Returns.

funkychinaman 05-14-2014 04:59 PM

I never understood how the Tumbler could smash through anything with those exposed front wheels.

Excalibur 05-14-2014 06:25 PM

Well it's kinda like a monster truck set really low and it must be heavy. It was designed as a military vehicle

commando552 05-14-2014 06:33 PM


Originally Posted by Excalibur (Post 40647)
Well it's kinda like a monster truck set really low and it must be heavy. It was designed as a military vehicle

It was designed as a military vehicle that can jump across ravines though which would suggest that it is actually lightweight, which would mean it is probably not the best choice for smashing through brick walls. That jumping gimmick was really stupid though, did they use it in the 2nd and 3rd film or was it just the 1st, I can't remember.

funkychinaman 05-14-2014 06:44 PM


Originally Posted by commando552 (Post 40648)
It was designed as a military vehicle that can jump across ravines though which would suggest that it is actually lightweight, which would mean it is probably not the best choice for smashing through brick walls. That jumping gimmick was really stupid though, did they use it in the 2nd and 3rd film or was it just the 1st, I can't remember.

They definitely showed it jumping in the first film, maybe the second film. It had to jump to just get into or out of the Batcave.

I forgot about the jumping part. So it's lightweight with exposed wheels, like a Formula 1 or Indy car.

Swordfish941 05-15-2014 02:07 AM


Originally Posted by commando552 (Post 40644)
The best Batmobile for smashing stuff is the one from The Dark Knight Returns.

Ah, back in the days where Frank Miller wasn't a homophobic, xenophobic, misogynistic sack of shit.

funkychinaman 05-16-2014 07:19 AM

I'm not sure how they could do a Blade Runner sequel with Harrison Ford.

<<Spoilers for a thirty year old film ahead>>

Since Deckard was supposed to be a replicant himself (at least according to Ridley Scott), and they said that replicants have a limited lifespan, how would they explain his age? Are they going to do the CGI mask thing they did with Tron?

And I always heard Harrison Ford absolutely hated doing the first one. Why would he come back again, especially with the same director?

Swordfish941 05-17-2014 05:05 AM

Well, this convinces me that <I>Alien: Isolation</i> won't be a train wreck like <I>Aliens: Colonial Marines</i>. And <i>Colonial Marines</i> looked like it had a lot of potential;

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