About one more day before Fallout New Vegas. Can't wait.
Traded my brother Saint's Row 2 for Metro 2033 and Bad Company 2. I just beat Metro and I've already beat Bad Company twice
I might just trade in my Red Dead Redemption or my Final Fantasy 13. Never had the mind set to beat it.
Well New Vegas does share the same game engine as Fallout 3, so the same feel, atmosphere and gameplay is the same, so that part is the same, but hopefully Obsidian Entertainment picks up with the plot and back story
i love the character development in fallout, you go from being weak and fights are all about survival, taking cover and hoping armor keeps you alive, to being a total badass who strolls out in the open wearing a duster coat and blowing heads off with a henry.
One more day until New Vegas. It's going to be friggin' awesome, even moreso because I preordered and therefore get a much stronger handgun and better armor right from the start
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