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SPEMack618 11-27-2012 07:41 PM

No, I refuse to believe that can happen.

I like JGL too, but he can't be Batman, nor can superheroes, as by definition the Green Latern and Wonderwoman are, exsist in the Nolan world.

The Joker and Bane were terrorists, Bruce Wayne was a billionaire playboy vigilante, nothing more; nothing less.

commando552 11-27-2012 10:53 PM

I think it has already been debunked by JGL's people, so don't think it will happen. Having said that, Mark Wahlberg's people denied he was going to be Transformers 4 until he was, so who knows.

funkychinaman 11-28-2012 12:38 AM

Lost in all that news though is the news that the Green Lantern in Justice League will be John Stuart and not Hal Jordan. As someone who loved the DCAU, I'm okay with that, but I'm sure some of the more hardcore GL fans might not be happy.

SPEMack618 11-30-2012 05:59 AM


Originally Posted by Markost (Post 36906)
Saw the trailer for the incoming World War Z movie. There´s no clue of the SIR or the LOBO, due to the fact that they used 28 Days Later zombies/infected.

I've already written off World War Z as not being worth the 16 dollars to see it.

Swordfish941 11-30-2012 02:33 PM


Originally Posted by funkychinaman (Post 36949)
Lost in all that news though is the news that the Green Lantern in Justice League will be John Stuart and not Hal Jordan. As someone who loved the DCAU, I'm okay with that, but I'm sure some of the more hardcore GL fans might not be happy.

As a comic book fan, I'm okay with John, but I really want Hal to be a founding member of the Justice League in JL film. And get Chris Pine for the role.

Evil Tim 11-30-2012 03:06 PM

Far Cry 3 out over here, hooray. So far it's a bit fiddly and the ammo limits are rather low, hoping I can fix that with upgrades. Just need to stop being eaten by the roving battalions of komodo dragons this island apparently has.

Swordfish941 11-30-2012 03:10 PM


Originally Posted by Evil Tim (Post 36998)
Far Cry 3 out over here, hooray. So far it's a bit fiddly and the ammo limits are rather low, hoping I can fix that with upgrades. Just need to stop being eaten by the roving battalions of komodo dragons this island apparently has.

I want that game for Christmas.

Excalibur 11-30-2012 06:48 PM

I'm going to get it next Tuesday since I live in America. I really like the more weapon selection the game has. What I hope is they don't have disintegrating guns like in Far Cry 2. It better have good fast travel and I really hope enemy respawn isn't stupid

Mr.Ice 11-30-2012 08:29 PM

Just saw the Deathstroke trailer for Injustice. To bad the game isn't released until April.:(

Evil Tim 12-01-2012 03:30 PM


Originally Posted by Excalibur (Post 37002)
What I hope is they don't have disintegrating guns like in Far Cry 2. It better have good fast travel and I really hope enemy respawn isn't stupid

No wear on guns, has fast travel, enemy respawns are silly at first until you realise if you do the stronghold missions you take territory and they stop spawning in the territory you've taken. Only things that spawn after are animals, and if you get in trouble a truckload of friendly guys tend to show up to lend a hand, so it's not so much trouble if you run into a conga line of Komodo Dragons.

Early on you'll want to prioritise something with a suppressor since you start pretty weak, low ammo capacity and health and making a lot of noise means enemies respond from all over the place. Once you're a little less fragile you can afford to start being silly about things if you want, though it still rewards stealth a lot more than FC2 did.

Also, there's a lot of Red Dead Redemption-style hunting for skins in this, only you craft them into things like ammo pouches and bandoliers to upgrade yourself. Couple this to the weapons and it's basically best described as Cabela's Ridiculous Hunts. Right up to bear versus RPG-7 if you're feeling particularly uncharitable towards bears. Important point is that the radio tower directly South of the one you take first is where boars hang out, you need two of them to get your first ammo upgrade and make the game start being awesome.

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