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funkychinaman 08-15-2012 08:00 PM


Originally Posted by Swordfish941 (Post 35717)
There are only a handful of Direct-to-DVD movies that are actually good.

I've long wondered though: has there ever been a DTV sequel or spinoff better than the original?

BlackIce_GTS 08-16-2012 02:32 AM

Buffy? I don't really remember the movie, I don't think it was very good.
I've never seen the MASH movies, so I don't know how they compare to the show.
Those are both TV series though, the only movie I can think of is Behind Enemy Lines 3. It may not have been better than the original, but it was a lot better then the second one.

funkychinaman 08-16-2012 02:44 AM


Originally Posted by BlackIce_GTS (Post 35719)
Buffy? I don't really remember the movie, I don't think it was very good.
I've never seen the MASH movies, so I don't know how they compare to the show.
Those are both TV series though, the only movie I can think of is Behind Enemy Lines 3. It may not have been better than the original, but it was a lot better then the second one.

Well yeah, but I meant DTV spinoffs.

funkychinaman 08-17-2012 06:20 PM

So maybe we can pencil in Zombie Lee Marvin and Zombie Steve McQueen in Expendables 4?

S&Wshooter 08-17-2012 10:49 PM

I picked up one of those "Double Feature" DVDs with Under Seige 1 & 2 on it.

Excalibur 08-18-2012 01:18 AM

Just saw Expendables 2. It was a fun movie to watch. A lot of action. Guns, guns, guns, guns

Spartan198 08-18-2012 09:12 AM


Originally Posted by funkychinaman (Post 35729)

So maybe we can pencil in Zombie Lee Marvin and Zombie Steve McQueen in Expendables 4?

Or at least Dwayne Johnson and Vin Diesel, two notable names absent from that list of people they're eying. One could even make a valid argument that Matt Damon would be a good addition based on his performance in the Bourne films.

Clint Eastwood doesn't really fit the Expendables vibe, IMO.

S&Wshooter 08-19-2012 05:45 AM


Originally Posted by funkychinaman (Post 35729)
so maybe we can pencil in zombie lee marvin and zombie steve mcqueen in expendables 4?

Zombie Bronson!!!

Evil Tim 08-19-2012 05:54 PM

Just wondering; am I the only person in the universe who played Binary Domain? It's a pretty neat near-future cover shooter which you should be able to pick up for less than half full retail price and has lots of exploding robots. Just ignore the utterly dreadful first level, it gets really good after that.

funkychinaman 08-19-2012 06:05 PM


Originally Posted by Evil Tim (Post 35754)
Just wondering; am I the only person in the universe who played Binary Domain? It's a pretty neat near-future cover shooter which you should be able to pick up for less than half full retail price and has lots of exploding robots. Just ignore the utterly dreadful first level, it gets really good after that.

I'd never heard of it until now. Wow, it's been out for six months? I'll pick it up if it falls to the right price.

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