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k9870 08-22-2011 02:41 AM

switch 1 and 2:p

funkychinaman 08-22-2011 04:32 PM

It looks like Goldeneye Reloaded devs used the same AK model as the COD:BO devs.

Spartan198 08-22-2011 05:01 PM

I don't know if any of you already know this yet, but from what a friend of mine participating in the Battlefield 3 beta (or alpha, whatever) says, you can see enemy snipers from the glint of their scopes (the only game I've ever played that featured scope glint was MGS3) and you can be blinded by visible lasers.

Who knows if these features will make it into SP, though.

funkychinaman 08-22-2011 06:06 PM


Originally Posted by Spartan198 (Post 31855)
I don't know if any of you already know this yet, but from what a friend of mine participating in the Battlefield 3 beta (or alpha, whatever) says, you can see enemy snipers from the glint of their scopes (the only game I've ever played that featured scope glint was MGS3) and you can be blinded by visible lasers.

Who knows if these features will make it into SP, though.

Wasn't that in MW2 as well? A few weeks after it came out, I almost swerved off the road one morning because I saw a glint in a bush while driving to work. (It was a bumper on a truck behind the bush.)

Spartan198 08-22-2011 06:14 PM


Originally Posted by funkychinaman (Post 31856)
Wasn't that in MW2 as well?

Not that I remember, but it has been quite a while since I played MW2 (I traded it in shortly after getting MoH).


A few weeks after it came out, I almost swerved off the road one morning because I saw a glint in a bush while driving to work. (It was a bumper on a truck behind the bush.)
Glad you didn't wreck.

The Wierd It 08-22-2011 06:34 PM


Originally Posted by funkychinaman (Post 31856)
Wasn't that in MW2 as well? A few weeks after it came out, I almost swerved off the road one morning because I saw a glint in a bush while driving to work. (It was a bumper on a truck behind the bush.)

Yes; it's the only way to spot snipers in Spec Ops, since they're invisible to thermals and seem to have aimbots.

k9870 08-22-2011 08:17 PM

How often is there scope glint in real life? I see hunting scopes with anti reflective lens coatings to keep it from scaring animals you'd think a competent military would have upgraded versions of this.

funkychinaman 08-22-2011 08:28 PM


Originally Posted by k9870 (Post 31860)
How often is there scope glint in real life? I see hunting scopes with anti reflective lens coatings to keep it from scaring animals you'd think a competent military would have upgraded versions of this.

I would think almost all military grade scopes would not have this issue. It's just there in the game for balancing. So for all of you railing against the lack of realism in CoD, remember, a more realistic game could be frustratingly short.

Spartan198 08-22-2011 08:30 PM


Originally Posted by k9870 (Post 31860)
How often is there scope glint in real life? I see hunting scopes with anti reflective lens coatings to keep it from scaring animals you'd think a competent military would have upgraded versions of this.

They do.

Still, it's one of those fine little details you don't often see in games. ;)

Swordfish941 08-22-2011 11:37 PM

My reaction to finding Prision Break on Netflix.

My reaction to finding out that Brett Ratner directed the pilot:

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