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Mandolin1 08-20-2011 11:40 PM

How did the apes defeat the armed humans?

Swordfish941 08-21-2011 01:03 AM

John Carter of Mars looks pretty good (especially considering the fact that it's a Disney movie).

S&Wshooter 08-21-2011 01:05 AM

Fright Night was fairly decent. David Tennant had a bit less screentime than I thought he would

Rockwolf66 08-21-2011 04:06 AM


Originally Posted by Mandolin1 (Post 31812)
How did the apes defeat the armed humans?

Director Fiat.

Milkovich 08-21-2011 01:32 PM

In all seriousness: How? We have the numbers, training and weaponry. They have...not even a basic sense for pattern recognition. And as far as I have read, there was only one enhanced ape.

Spartan198 08-21-2011 01:55 PM


Originally Posted by Milkovich (Post 31824)
In all seriousness: How? We have the numbers, training and weaponry. They have...not even a basic sense for pattern recognition. And as far as I have read, there was only one enhanced ape.

Uh... I'll PM you the answer so the movie doesn't get spoiled for anyone else.

Maybe somebody could talk to Chris about getting spoiler tags for the forum for spoiler situations?

The Wierd It 08-21-2011 04:02 PM


Originally Posted by Milkovich (Post 31824)
In all seriousness: How? We have the numbers, training and weaponry. They have...not even a basic sense for pattern recognition. And as far as I have read, there was only one enhanced ape.

Because the plot says so.

Mandolin1 08-21-2011 07:37 PM

PM me the spoiler as well, please. BTW, the trailer showed Ceaser (the smart one) using smart gas on the other apes.

Spartan198 08-21-2011 08:18 PM


Originally Posted by The Wierd It (Post 31828)
Because the plot says so.

If only real life was that easy. :D


Originally Posted by Mandolin1 (Post 31832)
PM me the spoiler as well, please. BTW, the trailer showed Ceaser (the smart one) using smart gas on the other apes.

Sure, PM sent.

Swordfish941 08-22-2011 01:56 AM

I've decided to watch Mad Men for three things:

1. Jon Hamm

2. Christina Hendrick's rack.

3. The awesome opening theme.

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