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k9870 07-03-2011 01:35 PM

when does half life 2 start with the main story? this airboat travel through canals and stop to open gates thing is going on forever.

BeardedHoplite 07-03-2011 08:47 PM


Originally Posted by Swordfish941 (Post 30672)
I just came back from seeing Bad Teacher. I want 92 minutes of goddamn life back.

At first I was like "Man, this dude has his his opinion and I'll have mine" and I saw it today
Man, you were right, you were right.

Evil Tim 07-04-2011 03:10 AM


Originally Posted by Excalibur (Post 30788)
Brink can be really annoying to play by yourself because everyone respawns, even the enemies. You kill them all and they come back in 5 seconds. The area is never clear of enemies. This is especially hard when trying to bring something back to your side of the map

I think the problem is the spawning system; everyone respawns in waves and there's only one spawn point per side in a given map, so gameplay comes to down to

1. Everyone runs into a room with an objective
2. Most of them die
3. Everyone respawns at the same time
4. Everyone runs back to the room with the objective

It never helps that the AI is generally too busy capturing the virtually useless "command posts" to help you with the objectives that actually matter.

Excalibur 07-04-2011 04:50 PM


Originally Posted by Evil Tim (Post 30830)
I think the problem is the spawning system; everyone respawns in waves and there's only one spawn point per side in a given map, so gameplay comes to down to

1. Everyone runs into a room with an objective
2. Most of them die
3. Everyone respawns at the same time
4. Everyone runs back to the room with the objective

It never helps that the AI is generally too busy capturing the virtually useless "command posts" to help you with the objectives that actually matter.

There also isn't much of a story. It gives you an interesting Waterworld like back story but it doesnt go into depths of the details. It's just a set piece to play in.

Swordfish941 07-04-2011 11:00 PM

I just bought Layer Cake and a two disc special edition of Blade Runner at Fry's Electronics.

S&Wshooter 07-05-2011 12:26 AM


Originally Posted by Swordfish941 (Post 30839)
I just bought Layer Cake and a two disc special edition of Blade Runner at Fry's Electronics.

Sweet. I used to watch Layer Cake all the time on my PSP when I was stuck in waiting rooms, sitting in the deer stand before sun-up, etc. It never got old

Gunmaster45 07-06-2011 09:47 AM

I just recently bought a PS3 to quell my desire to play all things Metal Gear Solid (because I'm a huge fan of the series).

I've now played and beaten MGS4 around 20 times, unlocked just about everything the game has to offer, and sadly am starting to get bored with it.

What pissed me off initially buying the PS3 is that the new ones aren't backwards compatable with PS1/PS2 games like the old ones were. Apparantly it costs too much money for Sony, so they got rid of the backwards compatability, and that's why they're only $299 now instead of $600-$500. Since I own MGS1 through 3, and my ancient 1st gen PS2 is dead, I can't play these games. But at least now I have a bluray player for when DVDs die out in a couple of years.

I might be able to get the "newer" gen PS2 for a decent cheap price from a friend. Apparantly they are releasing MGS2, MGS3, and MGS Portable Ops all converted to HD console playing for the PS3, but honestly I don't want to spend so much money to buy games I already have, except now have saved data on my fossilized memory cards be completely useless.

Oh, and they're also releasing a new MGS game that fills in the gap of what happened to Raiden between MGS2 and MGS4, and it's supposed to be a mix of lots of limb-hacking fun with ninja swords, and traditional stealth gameplay. But this one will be for both Xbox 360 and PS3. Because the game makers really got to pour salt in my wounds. :cool:

Evil Tim 07-06-2011 10:03 AM


Originally Posted by Gunmaster45 (Post 30873)
What pissed me off initially buying the PS3 is that the new ones aren't backwards compatable with PS1/PS2 games like the old ones were.

I think the new ones still play PS1 games (they run an emulator) but the main problem is that to run PS2 games the old PS3s actually had to have an entire PS2 CPU and GPU inside them as well as their own (much like a Sega Genesis has an entire Master System inside it). Obviously, effectively having most of a second console inside them wasn't helping them competition-wise, plus Sony was trying to gear down manufacturing of PS2 components a little.

The new one is called Rising, and yeah, it's about Raiden and isn't being directed by Kojima. Looks interesting, certainly.

Gunmaster45 07-06-2011 06:49 PM


Originally Posted by Evil Tim (Post 30875)
I think the new ones still play PS1 games (they run an emulator) but the main problem is that to run PS2 games the old PS3s actually had to have an entire PS2 CPU and GPU inside them as well as their own (much like a Sega Genesis has an entire Master System inside it). Obviously, effectively having most of a second console inside them wasn't helping them competition-wise, plus Sony was trying to gear down manufacturing of PS2 components a little.

The new one is called Rising, and yeah, it's about Raiden and isn't being directed by Kojima. Looks interesting, certainly.

Kojima said something along the lines of "I won't be directing it but the story and concept are close to what I would have done." So that gives me a little less to worry about.

Seeing as Raiden was so annoying and whiney in MGS2, I'm assuming he'll have grown testicles throughout Rising before the story of MGS4.

The Wierd It 07-06-2011 07:24 PM


Originally Posted by Evil Tim (Post 30875)
isn't being directed by Kojima

Given he tried to torch the franchise and run with MGS4...

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