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MT2008 06-21-2011 03:11 PM


Originally Posted by S&Wshooter (Post 30419)
My brother got DNF, so I will be playing it at some point

Played a little bit last Friday. It seems like a game I could enjoy, and the hour I had to try it was fun. But as I mentioned earlier, this is coming from a former gamer who is about 7 years behind everyone else in gaming experience.

Swordfish941 06-21-2011 05:42 PM

I am now hooked on watching Torchwood. First of all, it beats the shit out of CSI, and second of all, Eve Myles (who plays Gwen Cooper, Torchwood's Police Liason), has a nice ass.

funkychinaman 06-21-2011 06:41 PM


Originally Posted by MT2008 (Post 30556)
Played a little bit last Friday. It seems like a game I could enjoy, and the hour I had to try it was fun. But as I mentioned earlier, this is coming from a former gamer who is about 7 years behind everyone else in gaming experience.

I read a few more reviews. On the plus side, I'll be able to play it real soon, as I'm sure it'll be in the clearance bin in two months.

k9870 06-21-2011 07:38 PM

Rumors are flying if they'll make another. Theres two camps. One says it was too much fail to get another one in the works. The other says that there is no way people will let this be the last duke.

Apparently a movie is in pre production? That will suck.

funkychinaman 06-21-2011 07:53 PM


Originally Posted by k9870 (Post 30573)
Rumors are flying if they'll make another. Theres two camps. One says it was too much fail to get another one in the works. The other says that there is no way people will let this be the last duke.

Apparently a movie is in pre production? That will suck.

I'm still not sure what the target audience is. The gamers in my generation loved DN3D back in 1996 because it was a good FPS with boobs and dick jokes. Today, we've all got jobs, some have kids and mortgages, and we've played MUCH better FPSs and have high speed internet for boobs and dick jokes if we're still inclined. The gamers in this generation have much better options for FPSs and don't know who the hell Duke Nukem is.

Either do it right or let it die. They've let far better games and franchises die (or go dormant) before. (Army of Two and MechAssault come to mind.)

funkychinaman 06-21-2011 07:59 PM

Ordered AC: Brotherhood and Red Dead Redemption (both used) for $35 shipped yesterday. I got tired of waiting for them to drop below my $15 used game limit.

Excalibur 06-22-2011 03:09 AM


Originally Posted by funkychinaman (Post 30575)
Ordered AC: Brotherhood and Red Dead Redemption (both used) for $35 shipped yesterday. I got tired of waiting for them to drop below my $15 used game limit.

Don't have a job to buy yourself new stuff

funkychinaman 06-22-2011 04:17 AM


Originally Posted by Excalibur (Post 30580)
Don't have a job to buy yourself new stuff

It depends on the game. Like this fall, I'll probably pre-order the new Ace Combat game, and maybe MW3, but then wait for Halo Anniversary. I usually don't play that much multiplayer anyway, and since most developers don't emphasize the campaign as much anymore, that's pretty much all I'm paying for. And most places, like gamefly and gohastings, their used stuff is in pretty good condition. I've only had to return a malfunctioning game to gamefly once.

I'm also at the age where all of my friends are getting married, and going to all of these weddings gets expensive.

MT2008 06-22-2011 02:37 PM


Originally Posted by funkychinaman (Post 30574)
The gamers in this generation have much better options for FPSs and don't know who the hell Duke Nukem is.

That was my reaction when I first heard Swordfish and Smithy talking about DNF (since they're much younger than us), but it turned out I was wrong. Also, the two guys with whom I played DNF are also a bit younger than me (one is 20, the other 21), so they were also too young to have played Duke Nukem 3D when it came out.

k9870 06-22-2011 02:43 PM

We dont remember from playing it, we remember duke as a meme.

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