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SPEMack618 03-09-2013 04:53 AM

Bud, if I had the money, that Model 19 would be looking at Three Person's holsters already.

AdAstra2009 03-11-2013 12:47 AM

Finally got around to using my camera.

Jcordell 03-11-2013 05:27 PM

Lately I've developed a greater appreciation for the S&W semi-autos. Especially the 2nd and 3rd Generation models. Probably becasue S&W has almost stopped making them in favor of the M&P. I think I have a thing for discontinued models. It's a sickness. Very nice AdAstra2009.

S&Wshooter 03-22-2013 01:01 AM

I just traded my Winchester 1300 Defender to my father for his Ruger Redhawk

predator20 03-24-2013 07:52 PM

Smith & Wesson 915, basically a budget 5904. Would have liked to have gotten one with matching controls. But they were bought up within the first few hours of listing. $240 shipped, I'll do a better assessment when it arrives. Already got extra mags.

S&Wshooter 03-24-2013 08:02 PM


Originally Posted by predator20 (Post 38414)
Smith & Wesson 915, basically a budget 5904. Would have liked to have gotten one with matching controls. But they were bought up within the first few hours of listing. $240 shipped, I'll do a better assessment when it arrives. Already got extra mags.

funkychinaman 03-24-2013 08:13 PM


Originally Posted by predator20 (Post 38414)
Smith & Wesson 915, basically a budget 5904. Would have liked to have gotten one with matching controls. But they were bought up within the first few hours of listing. $240 shipped, I'll do a better assessment when it arrives. Already got extra mags.

For $240, I wouldn't care if the controls were pink. The grey controls are actually a pretty cool accent.

predator20 03-24-2013 08:22 PM


Originally Posted by S&Wshooter (Post 38415)

I high fived it. I knew you and yournamehere would appreciate it. There seems to be a lot of S&W auto love here lately.

I would've liked to have found a 659, but prices have gone up on just about every handgun that holds over 10 rounds. The dealer had about 10 of those 915's, sold them all in about two days.


Originally Posted by funkychinaman (Post 38416)
For $240, I wouldn't care if the controls were pink. The grey controls are actually a pretty cool accent.

It does break it up. They had one that was the opposite, satin grey with black controls. But mostly all were like mine, maybe two or three were all black.

predator20 03-26-2013 12:19 AM

Picked up the 915 today. Real pleased with it for the price I paid. Gave it a mild cleaning, it's ready to rock. I do plan a picking up a spring kit just to be on the safe side.

S&Wshooter 03-26-2013 03:35 PM

So the barrel on that Redhawk has a noticeable cant to the right....

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