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AdAstra2009 09-16-2012 08:37 PM


Originally Posted by ColonelTomb (Post 36112)
Yeah I had long considered getting a .32 ACP cylinder for it, but never got around to it. It can fire and chamber .32 H&R mag and .32 S&W long/short in the factory cylinder (and I recently acquired a ton of .32 mag) but the gun is just so uncomfortable to shoot that I just honestly don't think it's worth keeping it anymore. If you like that sort of thing, more power to you. Just my 2 cents.

Well If anything it's something to grab for the historical value. Anyways your not going to get any resale revalue out of something you can snatch up for $100.

ColonelTomb 09-16-2012 09:51 PM


Originally Posted by AdAstra2009 (Post 36136)
Well If anything it's something to grab for the historical value. Anyways your not going to get any resale revalue out of something you can snatch up for $100.

Eh, all I really want to do is break even and clear out some room in the gun safe. I think I'm going to use the money to Mag-Na-Port my .44 Magnum Contender barrel. Thing is lighter than a revolver, and the recoil is...well, substantial to say the least.

S&Wshooter 09-24-2012 09:50 PM

I think I'm going to sell my 6906. It's a neat little pistol, but I like my 459 better and don't really see myself doing much with it.

S&Wshooter 10-05-2012 10:46 PM

I brought my 6906 to the indoor range to test fire it because I'm about to trade it, and ended up having to get the gunsmith to polish out a bur on the feed ramp, so now it runs perfectly.

I rented a H&K Mk.23, and it was very disappointing. Trigger sucked, accuracy sucked, handling sucked, etc.

Jcordell 10-06-2012 07:43 AM


Originally Posted by S&Wshooter (Post 36383)
I brought my 6906 to the indoor range to test fire it because I'm about to trade it, and ended up having to get the gunsmith to polish out a bur on the feed ramp, so now it runs perfectly.

I rented a H&K Mk.23, and it was very disappointing. Trigger sucked, accuracy sucked, handling sucked, etc.

So are you going to keep it now?

k9870 10-06-2012 03:56 PM

ordered hogue wood cocobol grips, the ones that are checkered with the stripe cap, cant wait. (for 686p)

Spartan198 10-07-2012 12:46 AM


Originally Posted by S&Wshooter (Post 36383)
I rented a H&K Mk.23, and it was very disappointing. Trigger sucked, accuracy sucked, handling sucked, etc.

The people it was made specifically for avoid it like an AIDs-infested hooker. What did you expect? :p

k9870 10-07-2012 05:34 PM

Ive heard its a great range gun, its its rediculous size that makes it a poor carry choice. I want to go back to manchester firing line, I loved the mp5a3 i shot theyve also got 2 uzis a thomson a sterling and a mp40. And then semi autos like a socom 16 inch vz58 and of course ars and sig 556s and apparently there working on getn ak. Can rent belt feds if call ahead and make appointment

The Wierd It 10-07-2012 06:46 PM


Originally Posted by k9870 (Post 36412)
Ive heard its a great range gun, its its rediculous size that makes it a poor carry choice.

The problem is that being a good paper puncher doesn't necessarily make something a combat weapon. That's one of the reasons early M16s had so many problems.

S&Wshooter 10-07-2012 06:48 PM


Originally Posted by Jcordell (Post 36389)
So are you going to keep it now?

The guy I was going to trade it to ended up backing out of the deal, so I'll probably keep it if I can't find anyone else who wants it. I figure it'll be something I could use as my "car gun" after a while if I hold on to it

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