Gun purchases thread.
Another forum ahs this where they track what you've bought, or plan to. I plan to order a m1895 nagant tomorrow.
When I get home, I am going to order some ammo and mags for the 6906
I see a lot of milsurp autos at good prices and they interest me, i need to do some research, but have found the cz82, polish p64, and yugo tokarev at good prices.
Are all rounds equally accurate? Off brand 32 sw long seems to be cheap aroun here.
Also I plan to get a S&W Bodyguard. The automatic, not the revolver |
Getting the LB 1911 put a curb on any new purchases in the future. But I did order some VZ grips for it. Slimline double diamonds, black and grey.
While i would love to get my hands on Old Painless. Most likely I'll get a Remington 870 MCS as my first NFA weapon.
Can you buy a mcs kit?
My ffl sent the info but distributor said it may be 24 hours to verify, i'm also looking to get a hard chromed m57 and having my ffl send the info in, i love milsurps. |
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