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Swordfish941 12-13-2011 08:16 PM


Originally Posted by Spartan198 (Post 33524)
AG36 can't attach to an HK416.

Oh really? Then tell me, what is this?:

Anyway, what do you think of my cast?

S&Wshooter 12-13-2011 08:54 PM


Originally Posted by Swordfish941 (Post 33525)
Oh really? Then tell me, what is this?:

What is this sorcery!?!

Quick, get the burning stake and torches so we can punish this man, who has obviously signed a contract with the Devil himself for the ability to commit acts against humanity and God!

Excalibur 12-14-2011 12:11 AM

I was going to say. DAMN. If only the 416 had some sort ATTACH things onto it with ease and if the AG36 had some sort of...clamp that would allow it to SLIDE in and lock in place...WOW, that would be awesome. Truly it would be a Future Weapon!

S&Wshooter 12-14-2011 12:23 AM


Originally Posted by Excalibur (Post 33529)
I was going to say. DAMN. If only the 416 had some sort ATTACH things onto it with ease and if the AG36 had some sort of...clamp that would allow it to SLIDE in and lock in place...WOW, that would be awesome. Truly it would be a Future Weapon!

Such talk is madness!

The Wierd It 12-14-2011 12:59 AM


Originally Posted by Swordfish941 (Post 33525)
Oh really? Then tell me, what is this?:

Anyway, what do you think of my cast?

A 416 with a GLM? The AG36 is the one designed to mount in place of the G36 handguard.

Spartan198 12-14-2011 01:56 AM

I love being right all the time. :D

Swordfish941 12-14-2011 02:11 AM


Originally Posted by The Wierd It (Post 33531)
A 416 with a GLM? The AG36 is the one designed to mount in place of the G36 handguard.

Thank you for correcting me.

Anyway, what do you guys think of the new GI Joe movie (and my cast).

Here's the trailer:

S&Wshooter 12-14-2011 02:20 AM


Originally Posted by Swordfish941 (Post 33533)
Thank you for correcting me.

Anyway, what do you guys think of the new GI Joe movie (and my cast).

Here's the trailer:

Hold on now, I dragged this damn heathen burnin' stake out of the garage, and it's gonna getting some us 'fer I lug the sumbitch back in there

funkychinaman 12-14-2011 02:28 AM

Speaking of trailers, did anyone see the new Battleship trailer? It's what I'd imagine what would happen if Michael Bay was allowed to remake The Abyss.

Swordfish941 12-14-2011 02:34 AM


Originally Posted by funkychinaman (Post 33535)
Speaking of trailers, did anyone see the new Battleship trailer? It's what I'd imagine what would happen if Michael Bay was allowed to remake The Abyss.

If Bay ever touches The Abyss, I'll beat him to a pulp with a crowbar.

Anyway, the new GI Joe looks like a huge improvement over the last one. I just hope we see little of Channing Tatum in the movie (or better yet, have him killed off).

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