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funkychinaman 06-22-2011 09:51 PM


Originally Posted by k9870 (Post 30584)
We dont remember from playing it, we remember duke as a meme.

I'm having trouble thinking of a movie equivalent. It's have to be a good movie that came out a few decades ago that's famous enough for the current generation to have heard of but most never actually watched, and never got a sequel.

A sequel to the Graduate, perhaps? (I've seen spoofs and references for years, but never actually watched it until last year.)

funkychinaman 06-22-2011 09:52 PM

I hope the lockout never ends.

Swordfish941 06-22-2011 11:42 PM


Originally Posted by funkychinaman (Post 30592)

This fake movie trailer is stupider than your fake movie trailer:

funkychinaman 06-22-2011 11:46 PM


Originally Posted by Swordfish941 (Post 30593)
This fake movie trailer is stupider than your fake movie trailer:

You just made me open up Minesweeper.

Dammit, I have errands to run here!

Swordfish941 06-23-2011 12:09 AM

I think I might buy Half Life 2. You get to stop an alien invasion with a crowbar and an anti-gravity gun.

S&Wshooter 06-23-2011 01:44 AM


Originally Posted by MT2008 (Post 30583)
That was my reaction when I first heard Swordfish and Smithy talking about DNF (since they're much younger than us), but it turned out I was wrong. Also, the two guys with whom I played DNF are also a bit younger than me (one is 20, the other 21), so they were also too young to have played Duke Nukem 3D when it came out.

Duke Nukem: Zero Hour was the first game I ever owned

I have Duke Nukem 3D downloaded on my 360

Evil Tim 06-23-2011 07:25 AM


Originally Posted by funkychinaman (Post 30574)
I'm still not sure what the target audience is. The gamers in my generation loved DN3D back in 1996 because it was a good FPS with boobs and dick jokes. Today, we've all got jobs, some have kids and mortgages, and we've played MUCH better FPSs and have high speed internet for boobs and dick jokes if we're still inclined. The gamers in this generation have much better options for FPSs and don't know who the hell Duke Nukem is.

To be honest, DNF is nothing like the original anyway. Duke 3D was based around the "City" levels of Doom 2 and featured big, open maps where you had quite a lot of freedom as to how you approached the level and what order you did things in. DNF is a boring corridor crawl with extra dick jokes. Or really just extra dicks, they don't even make that many jokes.

I think it's more interesting as an exercise in trying to spot where one dev team's work ended and another began. For example, the whole Duke Cave section is obviously supposed to be a joke about Doom 3, but it looks like either they cut the punchline thinking nobody would understand it or that the next dev team didn't understand where the level was going so just finished it minus the whole joke that was supposed to be there. I think the gag was comparing the pointless RC car driving to the incredibly random crane game about halfway through Doom 3, and that "find three power cells" where two of them are in the same room as the reactor. Same with the Hive (should be a reference to Duke's fellow in development forever game Prey, and probably rather less rampantly disturbing) and I'm fairly sure the dull stacking-barrels-in-a-container section was supposed to be riffing on Half-Life 2 with some "Dukish" solution like bringing one barrel over and then just taking a dump in it to make it heavier.

Also, totally hating the tiny ammo counts and weapons that feel weightless and puny; only one that's fun to fire so far is the shotgun. Apparently this build is 5 years old, but even that makes it a stablemate of Black, which knew exactly how to make firing a gun feel awesome.


Originally Posted by funkychinaman (Post 30591)
I'm having trouble thinking of a movie equivalent. It's have to be a good movie that came out a few decades ago that's famous enough for the current generation to have heard of but most never actually watched, and never got a sequel.

A lot more people reference Citizen Kane than have ever actually seen it.

funkychinaman 06-24-2011 07:50 PM


Originally Posted by Evil Tim (Post 30609)
A lot more people reference Citizen Kane than have ever actually seen it.

Oooh, good one. I remember they had an episode of "The Real Ghostbusters" that had the Ghostbusters trying to catch Charles Foster Kane's ghost. Yes, a Citizen Kane reference in a kids cartoon. (Then again, they also had a Cthulhu episode, so maybe the writers were trying to skew older.)

S&Wshooter 06-25-2011 12:15 AM

I went out and got Dragon Age Origins , which also came with all the expansions

Swordfish941 06-25-2011 11:20 PM

I just came back from seeing Bad Teacher. I want 92 minutes of goddamn life back.

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