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Kinzer 07-16-2010 06:59 AM
Great movie. Great. Can't recommend it enough. I don't think any other movie I've seen has had such an insane as well as good ending. One thing is though, if you see it, make sure you pay attention the whole time. You'll probably still get a little confused, but it will eventually make sense.

To keep this on topic in terms of firearms. Nice assortment of guns, you were pretty much able to see most of them in the trailers, aside from the M16 type rifles and probably a couple others. The action scenes as well as their settings were creative I think, though they felt a bit rushed, like they were just trying to get through it, but still overall solid. SEE THE MOVIE!:cool:

Excalibur 07-17-2010 03:10 AM

Yeah, I saw it today as well and it was awesome.

Nyles 07-17-2010 06:33 AM

Quite good - though I definately saw the ending coming. And so did everyone else in the theatre judging from the reactions.

Excalibur 07-17-2010 06:36 AM

Yeah, during that part in the end, I was entirely expecting it to happen but it was a good movie. Makes you really think cause my buddy got confused along the way with all these deeper dream states and what is reality.

Swordfish941 07-17-2010 02:54 PM

It has now been proven that Christopher Nolan can't make a crappy movie.

Zulu Two Six 07-17-2010 08:53 PM

WOah....i watched dark night again. i should see inception today
christopher nolan is soooo fucking good. i love that movie
inception should be awesome

Kinzer 07-18-2010 03:01 AM

SPOILER (sort of)

One cool gun related thing I remember is when he'd catching the shell casings as the eject. I think that's the first time I've seen that in a movie and it looked pretty cool. Except it didn't make sense really. He was in a dream, are the dream CSI going to come after him? I don't know, maybe in movie world a shell casing hiting the floor is louder than a suppressed gunshot.

Excalibur 07-18-2010 04:08 AM

I think even in a dream world, it still follows most principles and laws that governs the real world, though one would wonder why they don't summon jet packs or guns with infinite ammo. They never explain what they really CAN'T do in the dream world or be aware that this is a dream and that pain doesn't work.

I mean, pain exists in the dream world for some reason, yet shooting yourself in the head gets you out of it.

S&Wshooter 07-18-2010 04:22 AM

I'd totally go see this movie if the dreams featured in the film were anything like mine. Zombies, hot chicks, S&W's, and gratuitous violence. Hell yeah

Kinzer 07-18-2010 04:46 AM

I'm just glad that they didn't try to make to stupid quasi-scientific explanation of how they're able to go into people's dreams. Most other directors would have had some scene where they talk about they reroute the impulses of the brain using super focused radiated unobtanium. Luckily Nolan knows what he is doing.

Also I see your point about the limits of what they can do. I mean it's implied that they can just dream things up, like the grenade launcher, so why not just dream up an APC and some heavy machine guns? Maybe it's like the Matrix, some rules can be bent while others can be broken.

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