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k9870 09-19-2009 05:11 PM

Call Of Duty
Who else is pumped for MW2? I know its got stupid stuff like dual deags, but it should be fun. They're making it like World at war in some aspects, like your points will be based on percentage damage done if its just an assist, and weapons seem like the recoil is something you actually need to adjust for ( i liked that about world at war, you needed skill to use weapons.)

I can t wait to go online with a lever shotgun and throwing kinives:)

Spartan198 09-19-2009 06:28 PM

I'm totally getting the Prestige Edition. :D

k9870 09-19-2009 10:22 PM

It seems the dual wielding and all the bullpups are a way to try and make the game "tacticool".

Spartan198 09-20-2009 07:43 AM


Originally Posted by k9870 (Post 7051)
It seems the dual wielding and all the bullpups are a way to try and make the game "tacticool".

Meh... give me an M4 with a 203 and I'm happy as can be.

k9870 09-20-2009 01:43 PM

I used to be an m16/m203 player at even level 55, people call it the noob gun (first gun you get lol) cause anyhting they get beat by is a noob gun, and noob perk, noob tactic, they cant admit they suck. One thing I hate online is everyone thinks there so good and that you need to use all the same guns and perks they do. I dont care if somone ses a p90, ill kill them from a distance.

Im an AK-47/red dot gamer now. Ive noticed my weapons classes have all old guns (except gold deegles and a m60 in the anti-helo class) since nothing you unlock is really worth using.

Excalibur 09-20-2009 05:09 PM

Well I always keep an M4/M203 combo in my list JUST for when the other players piss me off or if I want to be a douche. There are a lot of servers that will kick you if you have an M203 combo. I usually prefer not to cause most of the time, I waste all the ammo I have and would switch to pistols.

I rarely use any Machine guns of any kind and I almost NEVER use shotguns cause most of the time, they just suck.

The P90 is a good SMG, but I prefer the MP5

k9870 09-20-2009 05:29 PM

kicked for using the noob tube? Wow, not like it holds tons of ammo and reloads real fast. I know some online tournaments ban the p90, i dont see why, it has little range and weak power. Some online tournaments b an the skorpion, although the skorpion sucks, are they real worried well lay down ownage with a .32 smg?

Excalibur 09-20-2009 05:33 PM

Well, I'm sure any SMG of any caliber is devastating at close quarters.

The P90 might not have range, but it has the 50 round magazine and you can just spray all day with this thing. Add the fast reload perk and it's even better.

Spartan198 09-20-2009 08:00 PM


Originally Posted by Excalibur (Post 7064)
There are a lot of servers that will kick you if you have an M203 combo. I usually prefer not to cause most of the time, I waste all the ammo I have and would switch to pistols.

I haven't been booted from any games as of yet, but I only play free-for-all (have no interest in being on any teams or clans).


I rarely use any Machine guns of any kind
I pwn all with the 249.


The P90 is a good SMG, but I prefer the MP5
Rifle calibers only for me. Heck, even in the tanker mission I dump my MP5 for an AK first chance I get.

Zombees 09-21-2009 01:23 AM


Originally Posted by k9870 (Post 7047)

I can t wait to go online with a lever shotgun and throwing kinives:)

I can't wait to try out that lever shotgun as well! It's probably one of the most out of place fire arms in a military FPS, but you have to admit, it's got style!

I really hope they un-nerf my M1014 for multi play. I loved that shotgun, dispite the fact it was as effective as a shooting spit balls through a straw.

I also heard there is going to be a MasterKey add on for assault rifles. With the current trend of nerfing shotguns, I predict it will hold 2 shells and can only kill a target if BOTH shells hit the head.

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