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SPEMack618 09-13-2012 11:11 PM

I keep telling myself that I am going to by both a Mosin rifle and revovler when I have the money.

Neat, rugged, and historical

ColonelTomb 09-14-2012 02:09 AM

The Nagant revolver is certainly interesting, but other than that it's basically useless. It uses very rare and expensive ammo (had to special order it @
$35 a box), the double action pull is a solid 20 pounds, and it's difficult and time consuming to load and unload. Even if you managed to get components, I would imagine that the cartridge would be quite difficult to reload. These are pretty much the reasons why I'm selling the gun. S&W Shooter, I've never shot/held a Redhawk but my dad's got an S&W M29 with an 8-3/8" barrel. I'd imagine they'd be fairly similar. It's an awesome gun, and the first time we ever shot it was an outdoor range. As soon as we touched off that first round, the entire range went silent and people looked around for the source of the muzzle blast. Pretty incredible.

S&Wshooter 09-14-2012 03:00 AM


Originally Posted by ColonelTomb (Post 36104)
The Nagant revolver is certainly interesting, but other than that it's basically useless. It uses very rare and expensive ammo (had to special order it @
$35 a box),
the double action pull is a solid 20 pounds, and it's difficult and time consuming to load and unload. Even if you managed to get components, I would imagine that the cartridge would be quite difficult to reload. These are pretty much the reasons why I'm selling the gun. S&W Shooter, I've never shot/held a Redhawk but my dad's got an S&W M29 with an 8-3/8" barrel. I'd imagine they'd be fairly similar. It's an awesome gun, and the first time we ever shot it was an outdoor range. As soon as we touched off that first round, the entire range went silent and people looked around for the source of the muzzle blast. Pretty incredible.

Hey, at least you don't have the 7.5mm chambered Nagant Husqvarna made, like my neighbor does. It took me a full day to find ammo for it after he asked me to look around for some.

The Redhawk is pretty sweet. I've only shot it once or twice, and that was several years ago, but I remember liking it.

Rockwolf66 09-14-2012 07:20 AM


Originally Posted by ColonelTomb (Post 36104)
The Nagant revolver is certainly interesting, but other than that it's basically useless. It uses very rare and expensive ammo (had to special order it @
$35 a box), the double action pull is a solid 20 pounds, and it's difficult and time consuming to load and unload. Even if you managed to get components, I would imagine that the cartridge would be quite difficult to reload. These are pretty much the reasons why I'm selling the gun. S&W Shooter, I've never shot/held a Redhawk but my dad's got an S&W M29 with an 8-3/8" barrel. I'd imagine they'd be fairly similar. It's an awesome gun, and the first time we ever shot it was an outdoor range. As soon as we touched off that first round, the entire range went silent and people looked around for the source of the muzzle blast. Pretty incredible.

That is why the people I know who own them keep extra cylinders for shooting more conventional ammo out of it.

Seriously Mike 09-14-2012 12:54 PM


Originally Posted by Excalibur (Post 36091)
I thought about getting a Nagant revolver myself. My local Cabela's was selling a couple for a hundred each

Thanks for clarifying that, I didn't expect them to leave Russia in as large amounts as the Mosin rifle, and the rare outdated ammo doesn't help either.

Also, you have no idea how large of a pain in the ass sourcing an airsoft revolver is. Either they don't sell because they're shitty, or the company makes limited production runs for the model (with no re-releases).

Jcordell 09-14-2012 06:18 PM

Okay here it is. For those who like the older all steel S&W autos. My Model 745. I'll be getting it out to the range in the next few days. $375 OTD. Smith & Wesson only made 5,000 of these between 1986-1990. Single action only. 45acp. Adjustable trigger stop. Match grade barrel. A target version of the Model 645. It looks bulky but it has a very good feel to it. They're hard to find now and in the opinion of my wife it's ugly. Well it isn't pretty, but it's becoming a collectible. And I collect Smith & Wessons.

predator20 09-14-2012 09:03 PM

Loving the two-tone. Those things are tanks.

ColonelTomb 09-14-2012 10:24 PM


Originally Posted by Rockwolf66 (Post 36107)
That is why the people I know who own them keep extra cylinders for shooting more conventional ammo out of it.

Yeah I had long considered getting a .32 ACP cylinder for it, but never got around to it. It can fire and chamber .32 H&R mag and .32 S&W long/short in the factory cylinder (and I recently acquired a ton of .32 mag) but the gun is just so uncomfortable to shoot that I just honestly don't think it's worth keeping it anymore. If you like that sort of thing, more power to you. Just my 2 cents.

Jcordell, loving that S&W, man. I'm not really a huge fan of the S&W autos, but that one is damn sexy.

Jcordell 09-14-2012 11:40 PM

Thanks. I vaugely remember them back in the Eighties, but I wasn't really into S&W autos back then. I was all about Beretta 92's, 1911A1's and Browning High-Powers. They were an expensive pistol back then.I believe Smith's MSRP was $800 and that was twenty-five years ago. Now I see them selling for between $800-$900 dollars so $375 was a good deal.

k9870 09-15-2012 04:20 PM

ordered a blue label gen 4 g19 with trijicon sights

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