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S&Wshooter 07-02-2014 03:02 PM

I'm turning 21 in a few days, and I was going to buy a gun of some sort, but now I don't have the funds. Y'all help me decide what to get when I do have the money

Charter Arms Bulldog .44 Special

S&W Shield 9mm

Another S&W 3rd gen (probably .40 this time, but .45 if I can find it)

Mossberg Maverick 88 (I needs a shotgun, since the Winchester 1300 got traded off)

S&W 638

Zastava M70A

The Zastava Sig-looking pistol that has a different name every time I see one

S&Wshooter 07-04-2014 04:11 AM

If I get no answers, I'm going to buy another 4506 or a 4566, so I can do stupid shit to it that I wouldn't do if I only had one. Such as getting a different finish, having forward cocking serrations added, etc

Excalibur 07-07-2014 05:53 PM

I would ask what do you plan to do with the gun? A range shooting gun or SHTF gun or a CCW gun?

If you plan to conceal it, get one that you can hide well.

Are you comfortable with the striker fire type trigger or a DA/SA trigger of the 4506 or 4566?

If you want to go with a revolver or the DA/SA trigger guns, can you run it well when shit hits the fan? Are you a guy with a thumb safety mentality or no safety mentality since they just came out with a Shield that has no thumb safety.

All these factors goes into what you plan to use this gun. And of course above all, get practice and training for it, regardless of your purpose.

S&Wshooter 07-08-2014 01:28 AM


Originally Posted by Excalibur (Post 40853)
I would ask what do you plan to do with the gun? A range shooting gun or SHTF gun or a CCW gun?

If you plan to conceal it, get one that you can hide well.

Are you comfortable with the striker fire type trigger or a DA/SA trigger of the 4506 or 4566?

If you want to go with a revolver or the DA/SA trigger guns, can you run it well when shit hits the fan? Are you a guy with a thumb safety mentality or no safety mentality since they just came out with a Shield that has no thumb safety.

All these factors goes into what you plan to use this gun. And of course above all, get practice and training for it, regardless of your purpose.

It is up to y'all. I already have basically everything I *need* :D

S&Wshooter 07-08-2014 03:45 PM

Was talking to parents about my idea with getting a 4566 and having some things done to it, and they basically said "we're doing that when we're done with [lawsuit thing involving family business)", so I'm just sitting here all :confused: because I didn't expect it and it feels like alot to get from them

Excalibur 07-09-2014 05:03 PM

Look, it's your gun and your money and really it shouldn't involve anything of your family. So get your gun and have fun.

Personally, I think you should get a Shield, the NTS version or a Glock in 9mm.

S&Wshooter 07-09-2014 10:08 PM


Originally Posted by Excalibur (Post 40864)
Look, it's your gun and your money and really it shouldn't involve anything of your family. So get your gun and have fun.

Personally, I think you should get a Shield, the NTS version or a Glock in 9mm.

I was telling them what I was thinking about doing, and they just out of nowhere are all "we're doing that later", so I was fairly confused. Somewhat hoping they forget, because I don't really need it

I like the Shield; handled one at the 2013 NRA convention, liked how it felt, liked the trigger, and liked the sights. You don't see them at the local shops too often, but one would definitely be worth ordering or searching for. Wish I could still work so I had the money to go get one whenever rather than waiting however long. I really ought to shop around for an IWB, too, if I decide on it

Excalibur 07-14-2014 03:00 AM

Go check out the Glock 42. It's a really handy gun. I was thinking about buying it since a buddy of mine let me shot his.

S&Wshooter 07-14-2014 08:44 AM


Originally Posted by Excalibur (Post 40885)
Go check out the Glock 42. It's a really handy gun. I was thinking about buying it since a buddy of mine let me shot his.

I've been wanting to check one out just for the sake of it, but I doubt I'll like it all that much or want to buy one, just because Glocks aren't really my thing. I had a chance to handle a few when I went to pick up my FNX-45 from my FFL, and I only really cared for the feel of the 19 (they just feel wrong, and when I shot the 17 a while back I didn't do so great). I wish I could run a revolver as well as I'd like, or I'd just go get a J frame or Bulldog and be done with it

I'd be operator as fuck if I could feasibly carry with a shoulder rig and tote the 686 or 4506, but that's stupid. The only upside to it would be that if I had to shoot to defend myself with either pistol, I'd have an extra bit of confidence since I'm so used to them

S&Wshooter 07-16-2014 03:02 AM

Glock 42 is $50 more locally than the Shield, and I like 9mm better. Hmm

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