Fair enough.
For the record, I mostly enjoyed the Transformers sequels. My theory is that anything with Colonel Lennox and Chief Epps was fun to watch and enjoyable, but anything with Shia LeBeouf was when I would take my bathroom break. (I saw both 2 and 3 pretty well liquored up) |
I think the problem with Pearl Harbor was that Bay was trying to make it his version of Titanic (love story over big effects movie) but missed that in Titanic the event is what brings the two together and then threatens them. In Pearl Harbor you know the movie isn't over for a long while after the raid itself, which means Kate can't die in it, and you know Ben and Josh aren't going to die in the raid itself because then you'd be coasting the entire Doolittle Raid with the B plot already resolved.
Not to mention the entire B plot is impossible because it relies on Ben being listed as killed in action in a situation where he was missing in action. Quote:
I would have been far happier with Colonel Lennox and Chief Epps as the basis for the G.I. Joe team than Channing Tatum and Dwayne Johnson.
A gritty reboot for G.I. Joe perhaps? |
"It will take more than your puny arm to stop Devastator!" "Riiight...Which is why it's lucky that the hand at the end of that arm...Is holding a gun!" City of Steel, goddamn wonderful it was. Anyway, I don't think it's as much a case study in point-missing as, say, John Frakes' absolutely godawful Thunderbirds movie, I'd just rather have had a director who was willing to let me see what was going on in fight scenes and mechanical designs that weren't confusing jumbles of tens of thousands of tiny moving parts. And for Bay to sign a declaration that he does not understand comedy and will stop trying to perpetrate it anyway. |
My God, "City of Steel" was TERRRRRIBLE. It had to be some of the worst animation of the entire series, and that's saying a lot given the hit or miss quality of the animation. (If you want a really gorgeous episode, check out "Call of the Primitives.") Who exactly was the intended audience for the Thunderbirds film? And if you were going to make one, why wouldn't you make it with marionettes? |
Could be worse, could be Energon. That cartoon is truly amazing in its limitless ability to find new ways of sucking. Quote:
Still, it's not nearly as embarrassing as lover-of-all-things-military Michael Bay not knowing which state The Pentagon is in in Revenge of the Fallen, or the plane graveyard in Tucson Arizona being accessible by the back door of the National Air and Space Museum in Washington DC.
Yes, Transformers 2 might've been 15% better if someone had just handed Michael Bay a globe. And the most alarming thing about Transformers 2? Someone from the Pentagon actually signed off on that script. |
Just saw Oblivion and it's a good movie. I saw the twist a mile away, but didn't see the other twist as well.
Saw the rifle a few times, not close up enough to really get a good look at it but I can tell it's most likely an ACR because of the selector and the lower receiver itself. I kinda want that sling for my AR on day because of how he easily slung the rifle over his shoulder and it almost snaps onto his back like it was magnetized or something like you see it in a lot of sci fi games. |
"This film will have explosions and jokes about willies!" "Yaaaay!" ":cool:" |
That or that wretched Extreme Ghostbusters series which seemed to take the "disabled people can do anything able-bodied people can" to the point one of the team was a guy in a wheelchair. That always struck me as kind of cruel, really: telling a kid with no legs he can do anything he wants doesn't really change that there's a shedload of things he'll never be able to do. |
"Fuck Chip; He knows what he did"
Axis Powers Hetalia is the weirdest anime that I have ever seen.
I just saw the Alex Cross movie...and I when I returned it, I forgot to screencap it because....I was bored. Tyler Perry is just fucking stupid boring. I have never seen a Tyler Perry movie before but wow, I wanted more scenes of the assassin because he is an actual character. If Tyler Perry was cast with a better actor, the villain played by Matthew Fox would have been just tame but with Tyler Perry trying to act all mean and angry or serious or funny...it makes Matthew Fox's acting awesome and his character just cool. I don't understand a lot of the actions of the Alex Cross character in this movie. Morgan Freeman did a better Alex Cross
And of course all the fanboys come out from under the rocks to vomit their theories about non-existent fireproof vests and how being shot in the shoulder will never kill a person everywhere.
>.< |
Eh, I've got Blood Dragon for my daily doses of extreme silliness, I guess. |
Watched The Hunger Games on Netflix recently. It was pretty average and not really sure worth all the billing and hype that surrounded its initial release IMO. :(
I was disappointed too, just not all that good. Even though it makes a great case for why a disarmed populace is bad, though.:D |
Oh and the Manga. If you ever find the manga for BR, read that. It is also pretty great...and graphic
I notice in the almost content-free CoD announcement there's one point of interest, that being a new engine. But I think this will be another CoD 3, released on too many formats for them to focus on any particular one. 3 looked like an HD Re-release of a PS2 game on the next gens because they tried to release for PS2, PS3, Xbox, Xbox 360 and Wii (I guess they didn't have time to release the versions for the Turbographix-16 and Antikythera mechanism) and this one could end up on PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, Xbox whatever the next one's called, Wii U, PC and possibly even Wii. All that plus trying to build and debug a new engine in a two-year dev cycle...Unless Kotick is hiring programmers fresh from Hogwarts I don't see this ending well.
I played through Metal Gear Solid 4 yesterday and the day before on my brother's PS3 while he was at school
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