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S&Wshooter 11-29-2012 03:59 AM

Lookit here, I made myself a new background for my laptop

Swordfish941 11-29-2012 04:07 AM

Spartan198 11-29-2012 11:24 AM

I've never seen Red Scorpion.

SPEMack618 11-29-2012 02:27 PM

Dude? What the hell? It's the classis "other" red scare movie.

And what's not to love? Dolph Lundgren? Killing commies? Supported by the SADF? Financed by Bernie Madoff? It's a neo-con like mine's fantasy come true.

SPEMack618 11-29-2012 11:43 PM

So, I was working on Dillards' War some and getting a little ahead in the plot then where we technically are and re-read what I wrote, and had a "Holy shit! That's real. That happened to me and my sister. I haven't told anyone about that ever." type moment.

And then I proceeded to call Katherine and try to akwardly tell her that I do indeed care about her and miss her and she simply asked if I needed money or if I had gotten another DUI.

Spartan198 11-30-2012 02:54 PM


Originally Posted by SPEMack618 (Post 36990)
Dude? What the hell? It's the classis "other" red scare movie.

And what's not to love? Dolph Lundgren? Killing commies? Supported by the SADF? Financed by Bernie Madoff? It's a neo-con like mine's fantasy come true.

Oh, I watched it on Netflix, like, 20 minutes after making that post.

After seeing Dolph in those short-shorts, though, I might be scarred for life.

SPEMack618 12-01-2012 01:51 AM

You should my platoon before we got the new, longer PT shorts.

A bunch of middle aged guys should not wear the "ranger panties."

SPEMack618 12-01-2012 06:12 PM

You know what is really expensive and what really sucks to buy?

Ribbons and mini-medals.

S&Wshooter 12-02-2012 01:04 AM

Y'all want to hear something fucked up that happened to me last night?

I had just laid down to go to sleep,and I start feeling two things: Pressure, all over my body, keeping me from moving, and a weird presence, as if someone is standing next to the bed right up by my face. A couple seconds later I start hearing a horrible noise (There wasn't any actual noise, it was all in my head), like a very large group of people kind of moaning in pain a fair distance away, and it began getting louder and louder, and I somehow knew that I *really* wasn't going to like what would happen if I didn't get that noise to stop and that presence to leave ASAP. My first thought after that was "Oh God, help me", which was immediatedly followed by "Try The Lord's Prayer", so I ran through it twice, and everything went back to normal for about 15 minutes. Later on, when I was right about to fall asleep, the whole thing started over, but I ran through the Lord's Prayer again and the presence left and didn't come back.

The wierd part is, other than the first few seconds, I wasn't afraid until it was all over with, and I somehow knew for certain that everything would be okay and that it was safe to sleep.

Swordfish941 12-02-2012 04:40 AM

Which would win in a fight: Gurren Lagann (from Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann) or EVA-01 (from Neon Genesis Evangelion)?

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