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predator20 12-26-2012 01:12 AM


Originally Posted by Yournamehere (Post 37318)
The reason I've considered the Model 19 over the 92SB is that Model 19s as a whole aren't as rare, and it's not practical for anything I'd do, nor is it the ideal collectors Model 19. It shoots good with the target trigger/hammer, but I never want to pay the ridiculous ammo bill for .357 Magnum, and I hate cleaning .38 Special rings out of the cylinder. As for collector status, it's not pinned and recessed, and even though the 6 inch barrel with the red ramp is rare, it's not quintessential like a 4 inch is. The long barrel makes it impossible to carry efficiently if I'm feeling wheelgunnish as well, and I'd be terrified of wearing the bluing. If I could do it over again I'd have bought a 4 inch Model 19-3 or 19-4 with the red ramp, or settled for a solid black front sight post. For a more functional revolver I would have gone for a Model 66 or early production 686, both of which are the most balanced in terms of practical use and collectibility.

The SB would be almost impossible to find again in any condition, though Predator is right on the FS front, and frankly the FS is way more quintessential and practical. But, as it stands, I can see myself taking the Beretta on a range trip (and I have since I got it) whereas I can't see myself taking the 19 (In the 3 years I was in Oregon, I never shot it due to cost reasons and inability to find 158 grain bullets to be on the safe side with the whole forcing cone concern).

Ah that's right a 6" barrel, more for target. I see where you're coming from. Neither will be seen that often in your LGS. But on GB there's plenty of Model 19s of course. There's no full size 92SBs, since it was a short generation in the Model 92 line. It was the end of the blued era.

Most of the handguns I've sold lately are because I have others I'm more likely to shoot instead. Also to consolidate magazines as well.


Originally Posted by Yournamehere (Post 37318)
All that said, I am still on the fence with it, and I do have a Hi-Power I could potentially part with as well... decisions, decisions.

While it's not light, I carry my HP MKIII on occasion. Generally during a private gun deal, selling or buying. They have all turned our great and no weird vibes. But you never really know. I picked a up beater MKII to carry instead and keep the MKIII looking nice. If I remember right your HP is an older one with blued finish, so you're not going to want to carry it either.

ColonelTomb 12-26-2012 04:14 AM


Originally Posted by AdAstra2009 (Post 37319)
I don't see the point on going crazy buying handguns before an assault weapons ban. The supreme court has already ruled that handguns are protected by the 2nd amendment.

Oh, the guns will be safe. It's the magazines I'm worried about. Since I don't have a high capacity handgun (the "highest capacity" handgun I have is a Nagant revolver @ 7 shots) I figure I should get one and a bunch of magazines while I can. Honestly, I can't figure out the ammo shortages either, but it is happening and I want to make sure and have enough ammo to get me by.

Excalibur 12-26-2012 04:16 AM

I really prefer not to call magazines higher than 10 rounds a "high capacity" magazine. I rather use the actual description like a 33 round mag or even the slang "extendo mag".

ColonelTomb 12-26-2012 05:53 PM


Originally Posted by Excalibur (Post 37323)
I really prefer not to call magazines higher than 10 rounds a "high capacity" magazine. I rather use the actual description like a 33 round mag or even the slang "extendo mag".

Yeah, I know what you mean. I really don't like that either. I just didn't want to confuse anybody as to what I meant. It would be pretty pointless to buy a so called "low capacity" (10 or under) handgun now because they won't be affected by a potential ban.

Yournamehere 12-26-2012 09:08 PM


Originally Posted by predator20 (Post 37320)
Ah that's right a 6" barrel, more for target. I see where you're coming from. Neither will be seen that often in your LGS. But on GB there's plenty of Model 19s of course. There's no full size 92SBs, since it was a short generation in the Model 92 line. It was the end of the blued era.

Interestingly enough I was told by a guy on BerettaForum that they produced them for 10 years which is a fairly long time, and they're still rare. I wonder how many they made in that span and what may have happened to them all.


Originally Posted by predator20 (Post 37320)
While it's not light, I carry my HP MKIII on occasion. Generally during a private gun deal, selling or buying. They have all turned our great and no weird vibes. But you never really know. I picked a up beater MKII to carry instead and keep the MKIII looking nice. If I remember right your HP is an older one with blued finish, so you're not going to want to carry it either.

I carried it at my range and it never seemed to bother me, but I didn't have to conceal it so it may not be so easy in the real world. Not too hesitant to sell privately either, I just wanna make sure my bases are covered. I've considered going down to the local Gun Show when it next comes and seeing what I can sell there.

And my Hi Power, while classic, is totally a beater. It's got finish wear and dings that you just don't see in the few pictures I've posted of it. I didn't even pay that much for it either. When I have the money I'm definitely getting it refinished and maybe putting some new sights on it (S&W K Frame sights if anyone still does that anymore). The more Miami Vice I watch, the more I reconsider hard chrome.

predator20 12-26-2012 09:35 PM


Originally Posted by Yournamehere (Post 37327)
Interestingly enough I was told by a guy on BerettaForum that they produced them for 10 years which is a fairly long time, and they're still rare. I wonder how many they made in that span and what may have happened to them all.

I hate citing wikipedia, they have the 92SB Compact as being produced from '81-'91. But nothing on the full size. Assuming the full size started at the same time. How many after '85 when the 92F was introduced, would they have produced?

Yournamehere 12-26-2012 09:43 PM

Interesting, he said he referenced a book and not wiki, but maybe wiki referenced the same book, and it's just not clear? I have no clue really. I know mine was made in 1983 according to the factory codes. I really ought to note the serial numbers when I see them to check dates.

I wouldn't be surprised if they just stopped producing them after the 92F came out though, as it rendered it virtually obsolete.

Just to stay on topic though I'm having so much fun worrying about holster options for a carry set up. IWB is definitely the route I want to go, but I'm not sure on leather or kydex still, nor am I sure of what mag pouch to get (I may cave for the time being and use the well worn Galco DMC my friend gave me). Suggestions would be nice.

Also, predator, what rig do you use for carrying your Hi Power? Been looking for a carry type holster for that too.

predator20 12-26-2012 10:22 PM


Originally Posted by Yournamehere (Post 37329)
Just to stay on topic though I'm having so much fun worrying about holster options for a carry set up. IWB is definitely the route I want to go, but I'm not sure on leather or kydex still, nor am I sure of what mag pouch to get (I may cave for the time being and use the well worn Galco DMC my friend gave me). Suggestions would be nice.

Also, predator, what rig do you use for carrying your Hi Power? Been looking for a carry type holster for that too.

Milt Sparks VM-2, along with their heavy belt as well. I have a mag holder made by them too, but I don't usually carry it. When I first have it on, I'm like "this is heavy", but after a while you get used to it. I had an OWB 55BN holster made at the same time for a 5" 1911 and a VM-2 for a Commander too. All in cordovan, nice matching set-up.

A holster in similar style would probably work just as well and not have to wait as long. But if you don't mind waiting Milt Sparks is the way to go for custom leather.

predator20 12-30-2012 02:58 PM

I moved all the post regarding the AWB to that thread. Just keeping things on topic. I don't think it created any confusion with the merge either.

SPEMack618 01-04-2013 04:37 PM

Pops gave my sister a S&W Bodyguard. The new auto-loader in .380 and I, with some help from my Lady Friend got her a pair of pink earmuffs.

I got a good pic, but can't seem to post it.

Might be good a thing, everybody seems to hit on my sister when I show pictures of her.

So yeah, that Bodyguard isn't what I would call fun to shoot, but Katherine can keep them all on paper at 15 yards with it, and make one ragged hole at seven, so it's good to go. Plus it's small enough so she won't leave it in her car or in her sock drawer.

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