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Spartan198 06-04-2013 04:41 PM


Originally Posted by Excalibur (Post 39178)
And the dog's voice is from Forest Whitaker

I'd buy it.

Evil Tim 06-09-2013 12:56 PM

Microsoft really is trying to make all the most paranoid conspiracy theories come true, isn't it?

Spartan198 06-09-2013 05:14 PM


Originally Posted by Evil Tim (Post 39199)

Microsoft really is trying to make all the most paranoid conspiracy theories come true, isn't it?

I'm more distracted by my gut-busting laughter at the fact that the article's accompanying picture is of somebody playing a PS3. XD

Evil Tim 06-09-2013 05:45 PM


Originally Posted by Spartan198 (Post 39200)
I'm more distracted by my gut-busting laughter at the fact that the article's accompanying picture is of somebody playing a PS3. XD

I think actually that's a slimline PS2. Though they could have just put an 80s VCR there to represent the XBone.

Spartan198 06-10-2013 04:50 AM


Originally Posted by Evil Tim (Post 39201)
I think actually that's a slimline PS2.

No, it's a PS3. You can just barely see the edge of the PS button above his thumb.

Evil Tim 06-11-2013 01:58 AM

Can't say I'm that impressed by the new trailer for Ghosts, it looks like it's all over-cinematic Simon Says gameplay. Seems like Infinity Ward's forgotten that they're supposed to have a player rather than an actor they can give stage directions to.

I kind of like Treyarch for their attitude being more "No, what they're going to want to do is drive around in a tank with a flamethrower / shoot things with a Hind / mess around with a satellite cannon."

Excalibur 06-11-2013 12:07 PM

I am impressed with the recent trailers of Metal Gear Solid V and Titanfall

funkychinaman 06-11-2013 02:10 PM

Now that the PS4 details are out, do you think MS has to backtrack on some of the "features" on Xbox One?

Excalibur 06-11-2013 07:42 PM

A full 9 minute trailer for MGSV and it's graphic as hell

Chitoryu12 06-12-2013 06:53 AM

I'll just list some of the things I'm excited about from current E3 releases.

The Division: Holy hell I want it. Open world tactical shooter set in a sort of post-apocalyptic NYC (my favorite city and a place that I've downright memorized the smells of) with brilliant graphics and gameplay and very nice destruction physics (including shooting through cover). It appears that you can also log in with a tablet and control a UAV to provide support.

Quantum Break: Not much detail on this one, but I'm a huge fan of Remedy and Alan Wake remains one of my favorite games. I definitely trust Sam Lake, and the pairing of it with a companion TV series intrigues me.

Battlefield 4: It's still over-the-top and stupid, but it's the fun kind. The multiplayer trailer just showed exactly why we love it. Destroying a parking garage support to drop a tank in from the street, fighting your way to the roof of a skyscraper to capture it and then parachuting off.....the entire skyscraper collapsing into the harbor and continuing to fight on and around the wreckage.

Watch Dogs: Looks like a great story-driven open world game, and the hacking helps add some flavor. So does the ability to call in support at any time from players on their iPhone and have them do some hacking for you.

Star Wars Battlefront: This is basically what every Star Wars fan wanted. An expansion of an already fun game that's now being done in the same engine as Battlefield 4.

The Crew: Open world multiplayer racing game on a scaled map of the United States, including (again) NYC.

Beyond Two Souls: I'm a fan of Quantic Dream, especially after Heavy Rain, so I'm excited to see how they improved on that game's flaws.

Metal Gear Solid V: It looks like they're fixing a lot of the flaws of the previous game (especially the gameplay randomly cutting out for cutscenes that last longer than the gameplay), as well as adding lots of stuff. Open world missions, vehicles and horses, a usable third-person combat system, and orgasm-inciting graphics.

Basically, this is all just perfect. 2013 and 2014 are gonna have some good shit. The Last Of Us coming out in a few days makes it all sweeter.

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