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Excalibur 12-03-2013 10:52 PM

Booster Gold as a character is kinda like Deadpool. You can only have him in a movie with other characters to play around with.

funkychinaman 12-04-2013 06:21 PM

This ought to be interesting.

Spartan198 12-06-2013 12:56 AM


Originally Posted by Excalibur (Post 40012)

Dutch, Mac, and Perseus teaming up? God help whoever gets on their bad side.

funkychinaman 12-07-2013 12:00 AM

Harrison can make himself a crapload of money if he plays ball. But they're going to have to recast it eventually, right?

funkychinaman 12-10-2013 06:46 PM

If this doesn't end with giant fighting robots, I'm going to be disappointed.

MT2008 12-10-2013 10:44 PM


Originally Posted by funkychinaman (Post 40039)
If this doesn't end with giant fighting robots, I'm going to be disappointed.

I hope the fact that it's done in British Columbia isn't indicative of quality*.

*To be fair, the most recent two "Planet of the Apes" movies were filmed there, and the first seems to have been a critical and commercial success.

Excalibur 12-11-2013 03:58 AM

Well WB and Legendary is behind it so we can expect some good production quality.

Spartan198 12-11-2013 11:06 AM

It'll fail simply because all the fanboys will bitch and cry that they aren't using the same tired old 1950s monster design.

MT2008 12-12-2013 01:34 AM


Originally Posted by Spartan198 (Post 40044)
It'll fail simply because all the fanboys will bitch and cry that they aren't using the same tired old 1950s monster design.

Yes, there's always a big group of the fanboys who are insatiable (because they have Asperger's Syndrome and therefore are unable to accept change). I'm guessing that Godzilla's new roar, which is heard at the end of the trailer, has already given a few of them higher blood pressure.

Speaking as a (sorta) fanboy, I'll be satisfied so long as the film is relatively true to the spirit of the original and the 1984 direct sequel. That is where Roland Emmerich's shitfest dropped the ball completely. Hopefully, it won't be too much to ask for.

Swordfish941 12-12-2013 02:58 AM


Originally Posted by MT2008 (Post 40047)
Yes, there's always a big group of the fanboys who are insatiable (because they have Asperger's Syndrome and therefore are unable to accept change). I'm guessing that Godzilla's new roar, which is heard at the end of the trailer, has already given a few of them higher blood pressure.

Speaking as a (sorta) fanboy, I'll be satisfied so long as the film is relatively true to the spirit of the original the 1984 direct sequel. That is where Roland Emmerich's shitfest dropped the ball completely. Hopefully, it won't be too much to ask for.

I didn't notice a difference in the role.

I agree. I loathe Emmerich's Godzilla. I'm just glad that the remake didn't make Godzilla look like a giant retarded Iguana. And I also hope they remain relatively faithful to Godzilla's origins.

Excalibur 12-12-2013 04:19 AM

I just read an article calling it Battlefield: Godzilla

Anyway, has anyone seen this new Tom Cruise movie?

MT2008 12-13-2013 12:53 AM


Originally Posted by Swordfish941 (Post 40048)
I didn't notice a difference in the role.

The roar sounds similar, but it's definitely a bit different (at least before the reverberation). Even Emmerich's Godzilla had a roar that more closely matched the classic Gojira.

(Disclaimer: I don't terribly care about the roar being different; I'm only pointing out that the difference is such that I can imagine fanboys who are more Aspergian than myself feeling differently.)


Originally Posted by Excalibur (Post 40049)
I just read an article calling it Battlefield: Godzilla

Are you talking about this?

Excalibur 12-13-2013 04:21 AM

Honestly, I am just going to end up watching it. As long as I get entertained out of it. I am not that big of a Godzilla fan

funkychinaman 12-13-2013 05:52 PM

I'm not sure how to feel about this. Leslie Nielsen was funny due to how well he played it straight. I don't know if Ed Helms can pull that off.

funkychinaman 12-15-2013 06:18 AM

Terminator casting news:

Mandolin 12-16-2013 02:21 AM


Originally Posted by funkychinaman (Post 40056)

Too bad they can't get one of the FOUR previous John Connors to reprise his role.

Excalibur 12-16-2013 03:26 AM

Well it's a reboot so we'd need someone to play the role of Micheal Bein. Future adult John Connor would only be a cameo unless the movie's going to take place in both the future and the past.

funkychinaman 12-16-2013 04:03 AM


Originally Posted by Excalibur (Post 40058)
Well it's a reboot so we'd need someone to play the role of Micheal Bein. Future adult John Connor would only be a cameo unless the movie's going to take place in both the future and the past.

It would have to take place in the future and the past if Emilia Clarke is going to play Sarah Connor. Jason Clarke is old enough to be her father. (No relation that I'm aware of though.)

SPEMack618 12-18-2013 02:55 AM

Just saw the Jack Ryan trailer. No wonder Tom Clancy died. He was too embarrassed by tgis upcoming monstrosity.

Mandolin 12-18-2013 07:02 AM


Originally Posted by SPEMack618 (Post 40066)
Just saw the Jack Ryan trailer. No wonder Tom Clancy died. He was too embarrassed by tgis upcoming monstrosity.

I know. The movie is so not Jack Ryan it's incredible. Here's my nerdrage, reposted from the forum I originally posted it on:


Engage nerdrage rant mode ON

Did someone forget that Jack Ryan is a New England (Possible Boston) Catholic and very much NOT Chris Pine?

Somebody forget that he was a Marine for a few months (helicopter crash ended that)? That he's fought not-IRA on the streets of London and in his own house? That Cathy knows he's CIA?
That he personally recruited a Medal Of Honor-winning MH-53 pilot and his crew to rescue American black-ops soldiers in Columbia? That he personally manned a Minigun in a hot LZ, providing suppressing fire the whole time? That he promised the dying crew chief he'd send all of his kids to college? And did so?
That he figured out the entire Red October plot in a couple minutes, then made first contact with Raimus? That he shot it out in the missile room with a GRU agent and won? He was driving when Red October rammed the other sub?
That he defused a nuclear crisis (as in, WWIII in five minutes)with the USSR by hijacking the Hot Line to say "Hi" to a Russian he'd met once?

He's killed at least 3 other people in armed, face-to-face shootouts and shot a Minigun at a lot more.

Ryan was never a field agent, he was an analyst who went out in the field a couple times. Once for the Red October, once to help a defector escape, once to get the KGB head to defect. He was there when the Pope was shot, holding a gun on the second gunman.

He's happily married to an eye surgeon and it's a series-long running gag that every time they go on vacation, she get pregnant. "Must be something about strange hotel rooms" The hotel-room gag is deliberately invoked in The Sum Of All Fears.

He's a Marine-trained, very lucky badass who's friends with John Clark, an ex-SEAL with a Navy Cross (later upgraded to the MoH), and Domingo "Ding" Chavez, a light-infantry ninja who joined the CIA after Columbia. The Prince of Whales owns Jack his life, and Robby Jackson is a shotgun-wielding F-14 pilot.


Nerdrage rant mode OFF

SPEMack618 12-18-2013 01:40 PM

Well said, sir, well said.

funkychinaman 12-18-2013 07:42 PM

If anyone has 28 minutes to uh... kill.

Which reminds me:

The Wierd It 12-18-2013 11:20 PM


Originally Posted by Mandolin (Post 40068)
The Prince of Whales

No H.


funkychinaman 12-18-2013 11:40 PM


Originally Posted by The Wierd It (Post 40081)
No H.


Wouldn't "Prince of Whales" be the title Aquaman's son has?

Swordfish941 12-28-2013 10:22 PM

I just saw Anchorman 2 yesterday, and it was FUCKING HILARIOUS. I can't name a single moment that was my favorite, but seeing Ron Burguny trying to bottle-feed a freakin' baby shark was hilarious.

funkychinaman 12-30-2013 10:03 AM

Played through Army of Two: The Devil's Cartel with my buddy over the weekend. On the plus side it's a gorgeous game, and the Frostbite 2 engine makes a world of difference. The gameplay is just as fun as the previous games, and the weapons selection is pretty good too. The in-game mask creator is an improvement on the web-based creator from 40th Day.

They did take out a few things though, most notably any multiplayer options outside of the co-op campaign. Extraction mode was a fun feature of the last game, and is sorely missed. The game is also missing a few of the little things from the previous game, like the ability to switch hands and the quirky things the characters can do, like play rock paper scissors. Longtime fans may also not like the changes to Rios and Salem.

It's sad, but I would not be surprised if this was the last game of the series. The ending left room for more, but I don't think the game sold enough to justify a sequel. Then again, I didn't think 40th Day sold enough to justify a sequel either. And like 40th Day, it's the "best $30 game you can buy."

funkychinaman 12-30-2013 07:07 PM

The only titles that surprise me are the CoD games, especially the WWII games and especially WaW. Given the current state of Sino-Japanese relations, I would think they'd love a game where you can kill Japanese soldiers with a flamethrower.

It's also interesting that MW2 is banned, but isn't CoD: Online basically just a watered down MW2?

The Wierd It 12-30-2013 08:28 PM


Originally Posted by funkychinaman (Post 40127)
It's also interesting that MW2 is banned, but isn't CoD: Online basically just a watered down MW2?

Pretty much; I think domestic productions aren't subject to the same restrictions as foreign ones, which is why it exists.

S&Wshooter 12-30-2013 11:55 PM

Got Spec Ops: The Line and played through it; it was pretty fun

I also picked up F.E.A.R. 2&3, and 2 is fun so far

Swordfish941 01-08-2014 02:23 AM

The announcement trailer for Alien: Isolation has been released. Let's hope it doesn't suck like Aliens: Colonial Marines:

Excalibur 01-08-2014 04:25 AM


Originally Posted by Swordfish941 (Post 40155)
The announcement trailer for Alien: Isolation has been released. Let's hope it doesn't suck like Aliens: Colonial Marines:

The last time I was hyped on an Aliens game, it was Colonial Marines...I have since learned my lesson.

Swordfish941 01-08-2014 08:26 PM


Originally Posted by Excalibur (Post 40158)
The last time I was hyped on an Aliens game, it was Colonial Marines...I have since learned my lesson.

So you're going to be more cautious with this game or not be hyped about it at all?

Excalibur 01-09-2014 04:47 AM

I am cautious with ALL new games that seems remotely interesting. I rent them if they are console games to try them out before buying them now.

funkychinaman 01-10-2014 07:15 AM

Johnny Utah hasn't been cast yet. A wooden post is holding out for one percent of net.

funkychinaman 01-11-2014 01:37 AM

Were they not able to get Stallone's image rights for this? Because Rambo looks more like Frank Stallone than Sylvester.

Swordfish941 01-11-2014 10:44 PM

I saw Lone Survivor yesterday. Very good movie, and it was very realistic.

Excalibur 01-13-2014 04:16 AM

Winter is coming...again

commando552 01-13-2014 08:02 PM


Originally Posted by Excalibur (Post 40185)

I'm kind of surprised by how much they showed in that, an astute non book reading viewer could work out some pretty important and surprising plot points from that.

MT2008 01-13-2014 10:01 PM


Originally Posted by Swordfish941 (Post 40179)
I saw Lone Survivor yesterday. Very good movie, and it was very realistic.

Two people I know from work saw it, and a bunch of my Facebook friends did, too. Reaction seems pretty mixed - mostly because of the huge firefight at the end that represents a major departure from the book ("too Hollywood" is everyone's reaction to this creative liberty).

I want to see it, and probably will, but it's hard for me to get my hopes up about a movie made by the same guy who made "Battleship".

Swordfish941 01-13-2014 10:24 PM


Originally Posted by MT2008 (Post 40187)
Two people I know from work saw it, and a bunch of my Facebook friends did, too. Reaction seems pretty mixed - mostly because of the huge firefight at the end that represents a major departure from the book ("too Hollywood" is everyone's reaction to this creative liberty).

I want to see it, and probably will, but it's hard for me to get my hopes up about a movie made by the same guy who made "Battleship".

I consider Battleship to be a big black stain on a career (kind of like 1942 was for Steven Spielsberg).

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