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Spartan198 07-14-2010 05:33 PM

Well, this sucks...
Just found out that around 15 hours ago, IPBFree, the host that my Resident Evil forum is, or rather was on, was suddenly shut down permanently with no warning, and my board went with it. Thousands of other forums in addition to mine met the same fate. And the IPBFree administrative team claims "legal reasons" prevent them from telling us why, which I quite frankly find no different from a car manufacturer calling you up and telling you your car is being recalled but claim they can't legally tell you why. :mad:

I worked at that place for almost a year, making it what it was, but now all that effort down the drain. :( So now I've got to gather as many of my members as I can in one place, choose a new host, and start from scratch on the "II" version of my site.

*Bangs head on desk repeatedly*

S&Wshooter 07-14-2010 06:05 PM

That's really douche-y of them not to tell you why they shut everything down

Excalibur 07-15-2010 02:11 AM

Yesh and for no reason? That's just bullshit

ManiacallyChallenged 07-15-2010 08:51 PM

Workman: We're cuttin' power to the server bank now.
Forum Host: No wait, we paid the bill I'm sure of it!
Workman: I dun' make the rules, I juss enforce 'um.

Spartan198 07-16-2010 10:00 AM


Originally Posted by ManiacallyChallenged (Post 15426)
Workman: We're cuttin' power to the server bank now.
Forum Host: No wait, we paid the bill I'm sure of it!
Workman: I dun' make the rules, I juss enforce 'um.

That's pretty much how I had it imagined going in my head. XD

PersonOfInterest 07-16-2010 07:15 PM

I know nothing about this company other than that it exists and they run this pretty sweet site which I find very useful.

Bugabear 07-19-2010 06:16 AM

You could use Google cache to try and salvage some of your work. Sorry for your loss. I know what it's like to lose moths of hard work.

Spartan198 07-21-2010 11:48 AM

Wow, this situation is getting deep. Major news outlets are reporting about this shutdown and are citing "links to al Qaeda" and "terrorist resources" are the cause.

Even the IPBFree Wikipedia page has been deleted! :confused:
This in particular has me puzzled.


Originally Posted by Bugabear (Post 15665)
You could use Google cache to try and salvage some of your work. Sorry for your loss. I know what it's like to lose moths of hard work.

Unfortunately Google cache is of very limited use. You need the exact web address of anything you want to recover, web addresses which I don't have.

bunni 07-21-2010 07:11 PM

Something similar happened over a year ago to imfdb, dark days, but we were able to recover a lot via google cache.

I've been using managed hosting since then and have received incredible service, I'm very happy with them.

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