Chitoryu12 |
04-12-2013 11:51 AM |
On the subject of video games, I'd like to see more genres try for an ultra-realistic take just to see what comes out.
I mean, ARMA is the most famous in realism right now. But so many of the "This is as realistic as possible" games happen to be military in origin. It's almost like an offshoot of the mil-sim airsoft concept. Why not a realistic Western game? I was reading accounts of various gunfights of the Old West, and it could be plenty exciting to make a realistic shooter in the setting rather than the typical stylized work that intentionally emulates the old films. There's realistic sci-fi and space works, but they all deal exclusively with the space travel side and simulating the physics behind it (like Orbiter). Why can't we make the ARMA equivalent of Mass Effect or Star Wars?
I actually think that despite being based in space operas, Star Wars would go well with a more realistic and adult take in video games. The closest they've come is Republic Commando, but it was still a fairly arcadey game. They always come out as sanitized arcade shooters. I don't even know if 1313 would have actually gone all the way to making a good adult Star Wars game, rather than just being vaguely dark but still firmly PG like The Force Unleashed. And trust me, an adult Star Wars game WOULD sell. There's already an infamously large market for M-rated games in recent years, to the point where it's unusual for the top games of the year to be below an M rating. It's a market that could be tapped into.