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SPEMack618 11-13-2012 10:41 PM

I feel all this angst over "secession" could better be directed towards having proportional representation of electoral Nebraska and Maine do.

As one of my fraternity brothers put it...."California and thier 55 votes can go fall off into the pacific."

Spartan198 11-14-2012 02:18 AM


Originally Posted by SPEMack618 (Post 36745)
As one of my fraternity brothers put it...."California and thier 55 votes can go fall off into the pacific."

Meanwhile, in California...

Swordfish941 11-14-2012 02:46 AM


Originally Posted by Spartan198 (Post 36752)

Where's that from? Wait! let me guess: some Roland Emmerich film.

MT2008 11-14-2012 03:38 AM

I am sooooo tired of hearing about Petraeus' affair already. Who gives a shit? The man is one of the best officers of his generation, and it's absurd to me that Americans care more about his extramarital affairs than his professional competency. It makes me kinda ashamed to even be an American.

Spartan198 11-14-2012 04:07 AM



Originally Posted by The Wierd It (Post 36743)
If I hadn't seen it in other, less... reactionary news outlets I'd write it off as Fox News being sensationalist.

But given the other crap that's come out of the "OMG There's still a black guy in the big chair despite everything we were taught about black people being inferior to white people" crowd, this does not surprise me.

In short, it's a load of "how dare the country vote in a way that's not what I wanted".

Although the fightback has apparently already started.

I really doubt it has to do with him being black or white people being "superior", at least for most people. I know it certainly doesn't me (not that I've signed the California petition anyway). And those still stuck on his skin color need to realize racism is severely outdated. I think it's a matter of people not getting heard and this seems to them to apparently be the only way to be heard.

That petition to strip petition signers of citizenship and exile them is far more un-American than any attempt to secede is, since it basically wants people punished for not falling in line with an administration whose policies they disagree with and have the right to protest.


Originally Posted by MT2008 (Post 36754)
I am sooooo tired of hearing about Petraeus' affair already. Who gives a shit? The man is one of the best officers of his generation, and it's absurd to me that Americans care more about his extramarital affairs than his professional competency. It makes me kinda ashamed to even be an American.

Oh, I agree completely. I could understand if he coerced her into it, but it was a mutually-consensual relationship between two adults.

SPEMack618 11-14-2012 08:18 PM

Gentleman, not to indulge in the tin foil hattery so prevalent, atleast in th view of the media amongst consrvative gun owners, but allow me, if you will to put on my Dale Gribble hat, which actually I am wearing my "MACK" truck hat today, so it fits.

Between General Ham resigning, Admiral Gaouett being "reasigned", the resignation of Director Petraeus, and the resignation of ScDef Panetta, all coinciding to occur post election, I can't shake the feeling that something is amiss. Just saying.

k9870 11-15-2012 02:46 AM

Holder knew about the affair for weeks, waited till after election to move in case news affected obamas reelection.

Obama wants petraeus discredited, since petraeus will tell the truth on beghazi, and it will not look good for Obummer.

The whole thing is rotten. I know a CIA director cant have an affair, as its potential blackmail material to someone who has access to national secrets, but theres something else going on.

SPEMack618 11-15-2012 10:36 PM

just got off the phone with my mother....

Mom:"Your order from Cabela's came today." [three cases of steel shot for duck season]
Me: "Great. What did you do with it?"
Mom:"Put it in your room. Oh, you need to move it when you get home."
Me: "Why?"
Mom: "Katherine[my big sister]tripped over it today."
Me: "Why was she in my room?"
Mom: "Oh, she's using it as an office now."
Me: :confused:

k9870 11-16-2012 04:39 AM

Prices are going up at pizza hut on the 27th as the result of obamacare, at least there not slashing my hours yet

SPEMack618 11-18-2012 02:28 AM

I went both deer and duck hunting today and all I have to show for it is a head cold.

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