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commando552 09-17-2012 09:12 AM


Originally Posted by funkychinaman (Post 36133)

I remember hearing that in this version he "transforms" turning parts of his body into other things, so my guess would be in this scene his hand is a gun or something, but there is no need for him to actually be wearing it in this shot as only his head is in frame.

Evil Tim 09-17-2012 09:45 AM


Originally Posted by commando552 (Post 36150)
I remember hearing that in this version he "transforms" turning parts of his body into other things, so my guess would be in this scene his hand is a gun or something, but there is no need for him to actually be wearing it in this shot as only his head is in frame.

From a site I saw, the idea is that the suit changes colour, so it's blue and white when he's being a bot-about-town and turns slate grey for "battle" mode.

I can't really see a PG-13 Robocop movie working that well, to be honest.

funkychinaman 09-17-2012 01:54 PM


Originally Posted by Evil Tim (Post 36151)
I can't really see a PG-13 Robocop movie working that well, to be honest.

The last PG-13 Robocop movie didn't.

Mandolin 09-17-2012 02:05 PM

Started playing Fallout New Vegas again, had to stop due to Steam issues. I'm seriously considering going for a WW2 loadout with M1911/Grease Gun/Tommy Gun/Garand/BAR eventually.

S&Wshooter 09-17-2012 02:24 PM

I bought a DVD containing the first two Delta Force films and Code of Silence at the dollar store the other day. It would have been a pretty good deal, if the audio wasn't horribly unsynched.

k9870 09-17-2012 02:36 PM


Originally Posted by Mandolin (Post 36153)
Started playing Fallout New Vegas again, had to stop due to Steam issues. I'm seriously considering going for a WW2 loadout with M1911/Grease Gun/Tommy Gun/Garand/BAR eventually.

the garand is awesome, i love using "this machine" special version to destroy everything including death claws

Excalibur 09-17-2012 02:57 PM

I have the game on the PC and recent mods are awesome. Been using the SCAR-L and the UMP for a while

k9870 09-17-2012 03:05 PM

console gamer for life. Cant wait till theres console mods for future games though.

ColonelTomb 09-17-2012 10:52 PM


Originally Posted by k9870 (Post 36158)
console gamer for life. Cant wait till theres console mods for future games though.

Yeah no joke....I've been a PlayStation fan for just about my whole gaming life and that's one thing I do prefer about PC games: the mods. New Vegas in itself is a pretty amazing game, but it would be so much more awesome if there were somehow console mods. On that note, I love running around in that game with a .44 magnum and seeing how big of a monster I can kill before I get mauled. :D

MT2008 09-18-2012 03:49 PM

So has anyone downloaded/played "Black Mesa" yet? I have been thinking about doing so, except that the official site had a link to download adware that I clicked accidentally (which nearly caused me to install on my laptop). Leaves kind of a bad taste in my mouth for the entire deal...

AdAstra2009 09-18-2012 08:29 PM


Originally Posted by MT2008 (Post 36183)
So has anyone downloaded/played "Black Mesa" yet? I have been thinking about doing so, except that the official site had a link to download adware that I clicked accidentally (which nearly caused me to install on my laptop). Leaves kind of a bad taste in my mouth for the entire deal...

I have it, it's a very satisfying game.

Try these links:

MT2008 09-18-2012 09:17 PM


Originally Posted by AdAstra2009 (Post 36194)
I have it, it's a very satisfying game.

Try these links:

I don't usually download torrents...any word on when it'll be on Steam?

AdAstra2009 09-18-2012 10:01 PM


Originally Posted by MT2008 (Post 36196)
I don't usually download torrents...any word on when it'll be on Steam?

It's been greenlit but I haven't heard a date yet.
I didn't use the torrents either I used the shack news direct download.

S&Wshooter 09-18-2012 11:05 PM

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly


The Expendables

Colors (because I lost the copy I had a couple years ago and have not been able to find it)

SPEMack618 09-19-2012 07:34 PM

Not necessarily a new movie, but new to me, I finally saw The Siege of Firebase Gloria last night. Pretty good.

Mandolin 09-20-2012 02:18 AM

ARRGGHHHHHHH!!!!!! Deathclaws!!!! THEY JUST WONT DIE!!! I went after them with an incinerator, assault carbine, grenade launcher and gave Veronica a minigun. i also had Rexx. The deathclaws killed ALL OF US!! Stupid deathclaws. Is there some special reason they're so hard to kill? I can't even find any frag mines either. Should i wait till I get ED-E?

S&Wshooter 09-20-2012 02:34 AM


Originally Posted by Mandolin (Post 36225)
ARRGGHHHHHHH!!!!!! Deathclaws!!!! THEY JUST WONT DIE!!! I went after them with an incinerator, assault carbine, grenade launcher and gave Veronica a minigun. i also had Rexx. The deathclaws killed ALL OF US!! Stupid deathclaws. Is there some special reason they're so hard to kill? I can't even find any frag mines either. Should i wait till I get ED-E?

A .308 or two to the head from 75-ish yards away while in sneak usually does the trick, as does a handful of .45-70

Mandolin 09-20-2012 03:04 AM

I'd do that, except I'm trying to get to the Great Kahn Encampment and it's uphill the whole way and impossible to see them. I tried the anti-material rifle last time, it didn't seem to work.

S&Wshooter 09-20-2012 03:27 AM


Originally Posted by Mandolin (Post 36229)
I'd do that, except I'm trying to get to the Great Kahn Encampment and it's uphill the whole way and impossible to see them. I tried the anti-material rifle last time, it didn't seem to work.

Sneak Criticals are your friend

k9870 09-20-2012 04:05 AM

dont fight death claws till you level up

Excalibur 09-20-2012 07:52 PM


Originally Posted by k9870 (Post 36231)
dont fight death claws till you level up

Unless you got the Alien Blaster. That thing is awesome

Spartan198 09-20-2012 11:16 PM

I haven't the faintest idea what you people are talking about. :confused:

Excalibur 09-21-2012 12:52 AM


Originally Posted by Spartan198 (Post 36240)
I haven't the faintest idea what you people are talking about. :confused:

Fallout 3

Death Claws

Alien Blaster

k9870 09-21-2012 02:25 PM

he may have to restart to use wild wasteland though

Mandolin 09-21-2012 09:24 PM

Fallout New Vegas, actually. I'm level 18, any suggestions on what to do while i level up? I'm planing on going NCR, not sure what to to about New Vegas itself. The Legion needs better PR. If the first time i encounter you, you're just finished murdering an entire town, that makes me not like you very much.

Excalibur 09-22-2012 04:45 AM


Originally Posted by Mandolin (Post 36246)
Fallout New Vegas, actually. I'm level 18, any suggestions on what to do while i level up? I'm planing on going NCR, not sure what to to about New Vegas itself. The Legion needs better PR. If the first time i encounter you, you're just finished murdering an entire town, that makes me not like you very much.

Do you have it for console? If you got it for PC, I can suggest a lot of fun additions

Evil Tim 09-22-2012 09:18 AM

Borderlands 2 has some very strange guns.

I'm really not sure what the big wheel on the second one is for, since it's only got 15 rounds on board and also has a revolver cylinder.

The Wierd It 09-22-2012 06:04 PM

I tolerate a lot of crap from the people I have to deal with on the Call of Duty Wiki, but when I see something like this:


THERE'S your problem. You're using IMFDB, a website so unreliable that it makes Encyclopedia Dramatica look like Chamber's Encyclopaedia.'
I get the urge to start breaking things.

Link to original context; old edit in case he takes it down after I called him out on it.

Mandolin 09-22-2012 09:19 PM

I'm on PC. What would you suggest i get for add-ons?

bunni 09-22-2012 09:55 PM


Originally Posted by Evil Tim (Post 36249)
Borderlands 2 has some very strange guns.

I'm really not sure what the big wheel on the second one is for, since it's only got 15 rounds on board and also has a revolver cylinder.

I loved the first Borderlands. Does the sequel disappoint?

funkychinaman 09-22-2012 10:08 PM


Originally Posted by The Wierd It (Post 36250)
I tolerate a lot of crap from the people I have to deal with on the Call of Duty Wiki, but when I see something like this:

I get the urge to start breaking things.

Link to original context; old edit in case he takes it down after I called him out on it.

You should call him out on M14 in the Korean War as well.

Spartan198 09-23-2012 02:25 AM


Originally Posted by The Wierd It (Post 36250)
I tolerate a lot of crap from the people I have to deal with on the Call of Duty Wiki, but when I see something like this:

I get the urge to start breaking things.

Link to original context; old edit in case he takes it down after I called him out on it.

I'm so tempted to leave, "On behalf of both ATEFI and IMFDb, I would like to say... PWNED", on his talk page under your rebuttal of several of his claims. :D

His response on your talk page was pretty weak, too.


Originally Posted by funkychinaman (Post 36253)
You should call him out on M14 in the Korean War as well.

To be fair, he's right about weight at least. The wooden stock issue was solved with the addition of a synthetic replacement, though.

Evil Tim 09-23-2012 08:55 AM

This is the same wiki that uses one screenshot of a wireframe render of an M1A2 labelled "M1A2" to call every Abrams in every modern CoD an M1A2 even though the in-game models are all A1s, right? You'd think if he were such a perfectionist he wouldn't hang around somewhere that frequently goes that far out of its way to be wrong.

(Also I dig this labelled "a close-up of Rhino 2," that's a really useful image that adds a lot to the article)

Regardless, I sense a user trying to act like he doesn't come here because he's too wise for us rather than because he's a moron who got himself banned. Oh no, we're full of "errors" he can't be bothered to list, man the lifeboats.

Oh, also:


("I hate people who say a G11 is a pistol.") Perhaps this person would like to explain exactly what the H&K NBW is then.
The HK NBW was a machine pistol "PDW" which never got past the mockup stage; in other words, a gun by that name, strictly speaking, never existed at all. It isn't a G11, and didn't even fire the same round (using a shorter 4.73x25mm instead of 4.73x33mm). This is as ridiculous as claiming the MP5 proves the G3 is an SMG because they used similar actions.

He also seems to think there is no single gun called the G11, which is odd since the LMG11 and NBW / G11 PDW were never even produced (no proof a firing version of either was ever made), while legend has it that the G11 was even briefly issued.


Guess what? There's no such gun as the 'Glock 9mm'.
Someone get Glock on the phone and tell them all those 9mm pistols they sold are a lie. If you take it in context (a probably made-up story that someone thought Glocks were made by Colt) it doesn't matter which version he's talking about anyway.


Maybe they think that because the Nambu isn't a gun, it's the name of a person.
He does this kind of stupid hair-splitting a lot. Nevermind that it is called the Nambu pistol (Nambu Type A, Nambu Type B and Nambu Type 14 being the subvariants). I suppose you could argue that "Nambu" doesn't specify a calibre since the A and B models fired a different round, but since the Type 100 does fire 8x22mm Nambu that's really pushing it. Apparently if you use a shorthand name of something and rely on people working out what you mean from context it means you don't know what you're talking about.

In fact, earlier he says


Secondly, assuming that you don't want to call every gun by its full name, "Intervention" is a perfectly legitimate name (or nickname) for the M200. Why this user thought calling it an Intervention was a huge offence is beyond me.
Yeah, calling the M200 an "Intervention" is an acceptable shorthand, but calling an M1903 a Springfield or a Type 14 a Nambu is beyond the pale, even in situations where context makes it clear what you're talking about. I see he practises the classic "saying anything to contradict people regardless of whether or not it's consistent" method of debating. Nevermind that it's as vague as "Nambu" since "Cheytac Intervention" describes a whole series of rifles, not just one.


Just a teensy fault here. It's actually a myth that the Stg 44 was ever designated 'MP-44'.
No it isn't, it was designated MP44 for a brief time before Hitler re-designated it as StG-44.


Actually, Transformational Defense Industries (TDI) changed their name to KRISS USA some time ago. Therefore, the Vector's actual name is the Kriss Super V. TDI are nonexistent.
While TDI did change their name to ALLCAPS ARMS a while ago, the gun is still called the Vector. "Kriss Super V" is the name of the action. It's now called the KRISS USA Vector if you feel like using their mall ninja name. His argument would make it the KRISS USA Kriss Super V, which is stupid.

Also holy christ looking at that guy's user page is like having a siezure.


Originally Posted by bunni (Post 36252)
I loved the first Borderlands. Does the sequel disappoint?

Well, if it does it hasn't got around to doing it yet, though as before you do have to have a reasonably high tolerance for three-year-old internet memes. Also, now features routine acts of entirely deserved cruelty to Claptrap, including shooting a battleship cannon at him.

The Wierd It 09-23-2012 12:40 PM


Originally Posted by Evil Tim (Post 36255)
This is the same wiki that uses one screenshot of a wireframe render of an M1A2 labelled "M1A2" to call every Abrams in every modern CoD an M1A2 even though the in-game models are all A1s, right?

Yes, we went down the "treat everything as fictional and ignore the devs' mistakes" route a while back.

Evil Tim 09-23-2012 01:04 PM


Originally Posted by The Wierd It (Post 36256)
Yes, we went down the "treat everything as fictional and ignore the devs' mistakes" route a while back.

Well sure, but it's not even the same model that's used in the game itself (it has a CIS, War Pig doesn't) and it'd make more sense to just call them all Abrams. Always struck me as just using the wrong name on purpose.

Mr.Ice 09-23-2012 05:26 PM


Originally Posted by The Wierd It (Post 36250)
I tolerate a lot of crap from the people I have to deal with on the Call of Duty Wiki, but when I see something like this:

I get the urge to start breaking things.

Link to original context; old edit in case he takes it down after I called him out on it.

See thats why people hate the COD community (at least the very hardcore part of it).


Originally Posted by AugFC
*Springfield was a weapons manufacturer, not a weapon. 'Springfield rifle' could refer to ''any ''rifle developed by Springfield armory.
*Last time I checked, IMFDB had quite a lot of faults here and there in the video games section. But hey, nobody's perfect.
*The HK21 requires a magazine adapter to do that, but fair enough, that's a mistake on my behalf.
*'Glock 9mm' is just poor naming. It's like calling an AK-47 something like 'Kalashnikov 7.62'. There are plenty of Kalashnikov variants that accept the 7.62x39mm round, just like there are several Glocks that are chambered for 9mm rounds. 'Glock 9mm' could be referring to any 9mm Glock, and therefore is pretty shoddy naming, especially coming from a group that apparently hates firearm ignorance.

Here are his replies if you want to see them.

Evil Tim 09-23-2012 07:35 PM

And also, since someone had words with him, apparently it was SATIRE! (I don't think he understands what that word means)


And yes, I do realise the page has a few mistakes. I'm going to keep them, because it's funny when people think you're being deadly serious.
Pretending to be trolling when you're proven wrong is only the oldest and cheesiest attempt to concede without conceding, after all. :rolleyes:

Mr.Ice 09-23-2012 08:17 PM


Originally Posted by Evil Tim (Post 36259)
And also, since someone had words with him, apparently it was SATIRE! (I don't think he understands what that word means)

Pretending to be trolling when you're proven wrong is only the oldest and cheesiest attempt to concede without conceding, after all. :rolleyes:

+1 for me :D

The Wierd It 09-23-2012 08:39 PM


Originally Posted by Evil Tim (Post 36259)
And also, since someone had words with him, apparently it was SATIRE! (I don't think he understands what that word means)

Pretending to be trolling when you're proven wrong is only the oldest and cheesiest attempt to concede without conceding, after all. :rolleyes:

Yeah, we have a trope for that.

Evil Tim 09-23-2012 09:24 PM


Originally Posted by The Wierd It (Post 36261)

I'm genuinely surprised Fast Eddie hasn't deleted all the examples and locked it yet.

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