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funkychinaman 06-13-2011 07:40 AM


Originally Posted by Swordfish941 (Post 30269)
And 90% of the episodes are better than the 2009 movie.

Also, I made a revamped version of my cast. Go check it out.

I'll check it out.

Here's the clip of the opening.

If you ever watched the cartoon, I don't know what was more ridiculous, that CC would personally go expose himself to danger when the Baroness, the Twins and Destro were right there and available, or Duke would outright attempt to kill CC by punching him off the Statue of Liberty. Silliness aside, the shameless Reagan-era jingoism brings a nostalgic tear to my eye.

Evil Tim 06-13-2011 08:25 AM

It was kinda weird over here since it was re-dubbed as "Action Force" who were "International Heroes." This mangled the theme song about as much as you'd expect (try making the word "International" last as many syllables as "A Real American" to see how much). And then the actual cartoon started and Cobra Commander was still cursing GI Joe. And they were international heroes who happened to all still be Americans. :rolleyes:

I think after a while they started calling them "GI Joe the Action Force" in adverts (this made the theme song even worse) and later just GI Joe.

Spartan198 06-13-2011 09:14 AM

GI Joe never should have been "internationalized" to begin with, IMO. Imagine if they took The Unit and edited it to make all the cast into British SAS or Russian VDV for the viewership in those particular countries.

Not that I have anything against the SAS or VDV...

Evil Tim 06-13-2011 09:25 AM

Yeah, it was pretty stupid, but the toys were worth the stupid.

funkychinaman 06-13-2011 11:44 AM


Originally Posted by Swordfish941 (Post 30269)
And 90% of the episodes are better than the 2009 movie.

Also, I made a revamped version of my cast. Go check it out.

The one that stuck out the most was Katee Sackoff as Cover Girl. Katee is pretty enough (from certain angles) but Cover Girl was supposed to be a former model who got tired of the biz and wanted a change. (Plausible, I know.) Why not Tricia Helfer? She's got the looks, and she can be tough. (Check out the fistfight between Six and Starbuck from BSG.)

MT2008 06-13-2011 03:52 PM


Originally Posted by Swordfish941 (Post 30261)
Guys, I stopped watching the movie after seeing Channing Tatum as Duke. I then puked most of my dinner out. He is one of the worst actors I have ever seen. Everyone else was okay in the movie (even Marlon Wayans).

BTW, I made a revised GI Joe Reboot cast:

Much as I hate to play devil's advocate to Channing Tatum, he's hardly the worst actor I've ever seen. But I do frequently find myself wondering why he keeps getting cast as pretty boy soldiers - first in "Stop-Loss", then in "GI Joe: Rise of Cobra", and then in "Dear John". I would kinda prefer Hollywood find some other actor to typecast in such roles (if they're going to typecast at all - that's a whole other issue).

Also, I don't think Channing Tatum deserves to shoulder all of the blame for "Rise of Cobra". It's not like he's playing a role that requires acting, so much as looking cool in the suit and doing the stunts. If the script sucks and the director is unimaginative, then the movie is going to be unwatchable, regardless of who plays the lead.

funkychinaman 06-13-2011 04:48 PM


Originally Posted by MT2008 (Post 30279)
Much as I hate to play devil's advocate to Channing Tatum, he's hardly the worst actor I've ever seen. But I do frequently find myself wondering why he keeps getting cast as pretty boy soldiers - first in "Stop-Loss", then in "GI Joe: Rise of Cobra", and then in "Dear John". I would kinda prefer Hollywood find some other actor to typecast in such roles (if they're going to typecast at all - that's a whole other issue).

Also, I don't think Channing Tatum deserves to shoulder all of the blame for "Rise of Cobra". It's not like he's playing a role that requires acting, so much as looking cool in the suit and doing the stunts. If the script sucks and the director is unimaginative, then the movie is going to be unwatchable, regardless of who plays the lead.

I'm not going to argue that a good actor, say Jeremy Renner, as Duke would've saved the film, but it's still telling that people are calling Channing Tatum out specifically in an otherwise atrocious film. It's like when people call out Megan Fox's bad acting in Transformers. You know she had to be at a special level of bad to stand out like that.

Swordfish941 06-13-2011 06:24 PM


Originally Posted by funkychinaman (Post 30274)
The one that stuck out the most was Katee Sackoff as Cover Girl. Katee is pretty enough (from certain angles) but Cover Girl was supposed to be a former model who got tired of the biz and wanted a change. (Plausible, I know.) Why not Tricia Helfer? She's got the looks, and she can be tough. (Check out the fistfight between Six and Starbuck from BSG.)

Katee Sackhoff was the first person I thought of when casting Cover Girl. Anyway, what do you think of the weapons I gave each character and my simple plot outline?

funkychinaman 06-13-2011 06:46 PM


Originally Posted by Swordfish941 (Post 30286)
Katee Sackhoff was the first person I thought of when casting Cover Girl. Anyway, what do you think of the weapons I gave each character and my simple plot outline?

I think the plot outline is a little broad. Invade where, for what purpose? You have to shoehorn all of this into two hours or less.

I also think that's the first time anyone ever said anything nice about "The World is Not Enough."

I would've gone with a bow and arrow for Zartan. He killed both the Hard Master and Serpentor with a bow and arrow in the comics. (Indeed, check out the picture on his wikpedia page.) Everything else looked fine.

funkychinaman 06-13-2011 06:50 PM


Originally Posted by Evil Tim (Post 30271)
It was kinda weird over here since it was re-dubbed as "Action Force" who were "International Heroes." This mangled the theme song about as much as you'd expect (try making the word "International" last as many syllables as "A Real American" to see how much). And then the actual cartoon started and Cobra Commander was still cursing GI Joe. And they were international heroes who happened to all still be Americans. :rolleyes:

I think after a while they started calling them "GI Joe the Action Force" in adverts (this made the theme song even worse) and later just GI Joe.

I've often wondered about this: did they ever retcon the characters or change the voices on any of them to reflect their supposed multinational roots? I think they only added a British SAS guy and a Russian guy five years in.

"Once, he bought me Action Man, which is like the British version of G.I. Joe, except that Action Man has to serve in Northern Ireland!"

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