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-   -   Can we have less of the "this gun sucks" talk? (

MT2008 10-24-2010 02:23 PM

Can we have less of the "this gun sucks" talk?
I'm sure you all know what I'm talking about...

"Berettas, H&Ks, Desert Eagles, AR-15s, etc...SUCK!"

"9mm is for kids and women. You're not a real man if you don't like .45 ACP."

...and so on. I'm really getting tried of the "gun experts" on IMFDB who think their choice is superior to everyone else's.

The reason I bring this up is because Brian just deleted that discussion on the Beretta 92-series page that Smithy started, and I thought about how bad that discussion made us look. I understand that everyone has guns they like and guns they don't like, and everyone is entitled to their opinion about what they think is best. But there's a point where it starts to sound like arrogance and lowers the civility of discourse on this site. We've crossed that line on IMFDB a few too many times now.

And often, I notice that most of the people trumpeting their gun or putting down someone else's tend to be either (1.) people shitting on a popular brand for the sake of drawing attention to themselves, or (2.) people who are pretty much echoing what's been said a million times already (i.e. "Desert Eagles are for idiots", "H&K thinks we suck and hate us", etc.)

Let me remind y'all of something (because it's amazing how often this is forgotten):

(1.) In America, firearms are a consumer product that anyone who is over 18 and law-abiding can purchase. 80 million people in this country own them. If you think you are special, or that you qualify as an expert, simply because you happen to own guns, then you need to be knocked down a peg or two: YOU AREN'T. You're not an expert on guns any more than someone who happens to have enough money to buy a Mustang qualifies as an expert on fast cars.

(2.) Everyone has a right to purchase and shoot firearms that may not be practical, or that may seem overpriced, without being called an idiot. For example, the Desert Eagle has become a running joke amongst gun owners because (1.) it's ridiculously expensive, and (2.) it has almost no practical uses. So the natural assumption is, "Everyone who buys Desert Eagles must be a loser with an inferiority complex." I don't own and probably never will own one, but I understand the Desert Eagle's appeal, and it's legit. Yes, there seem to be a lot of people who want them because of movies like "The Matrix". So what? Isn't that how the S&W Model 29 became popular? Wanting to buy a gun because you saw it in a movie doesn't make someone an idiot, either. There may be better, more practical uses of money, but buying consumer products that are used in movies is pretty much tradition in America, or any other free-market society.

(3.) Nobody's gun is going to appeal to everyone. I like SIGs, but I understand that some people have valid reasons for not liking them (you need big hands to grip them, the slide releases suck, and every SIG made since the P229 was introduced is a bit top-heavy). There are people who hate H&K USPs because they don't like the triggers or the mag releases, but I know some people who really like them and shoot well with them. Why is "to each his own" such a hard concept to grasp?

There, got that off my chest. Long story short, can we PLEASE agree to end the bullshit gun debates on this site?

Excalibur 10-24-2010 03:13 PM

I really don't care anymore. I'll bounce back opinions on which is better and for what situations are they good for. I'm always up for a friendly and I say friendly chat about ballistics instead of a big dick debate.

People have their own opinions and unless it's about something that is right or wrong, I won't get into it. Guns are no different to me than to tools in the garage. There are many types for many different kinds of operations and needs.

But because of this little invention we call the internet, there will always be loud mouth armchair generals and bloggers who just wants attention to their so called "vast knowledge" that no one cares about.

predator20 10-24-2010 07:07 PM

Yes we do need less of the this gun sucks. I deleted that section from the Beretta talk page since it was old and I got tired of seeing it. We (the mods) need to go through the talk pages and clean them up. If it's something that is valid and often debated it should stay. I'm going to clean up the 1911 page next.

Swordfish941 10-24-2010 07:33 PM

You know what they say: One man's meat is another man's poison.

S&Wshooter 10-24-2010 07:53 PM


Originally Posted by Swordfish941 (Post 21291)
You know what they say: One man's meat is another man's poison.

That reminds me alot of the line in Brother: "What is good for the Russian is death for the German"

BurtReynoldsMoustache 10-28-2010 04:38 AM


Originally Posted by MT2008 (Post 21288)
(1.) In America, firearms are a consumer product that anyone who is over 18 and law-abiding can purchase.

21 for handguns in some states... :(

Spades of Columbia 10-28-2010 08:47 PM


Originally Posted by BurtReynoldsMoustache (Post 21371)
21 for handguns in some states... :(

21 for hand guns in all states...its a federal law

k9870 10-28-2010 09:33 PM

At FFLs, some states have private sale at 18, too bad i have to wait like 8 or 9 months to get a pistol, id only trust a private sale from a friend and my parent is antigun and wont help me at the store.

Excalibur 11-01-2010 10:09 PM


Originally Posted by Spades of Columbia (Post 21393)
21 for hand guns in all states...its a federal law

Of course don't forget that you don't need to be 21 to actually own a handgun

MT2008 11-02-2010 01:09 AM

In some states, I believe you can own a handgun at 18 if it's purchased for you by a family member.

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