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Spartan198 11-29-2016 11:20 AM

M27 IAR Hollywood debut

Excalibur 11-29-2016 02:37 PM

I've just read a couple articles about how the Marines are planning on just giving everyone a variant of the M27 over previous M16s as to introduce a new rifle to the corps.

Spartan198 11-30-2016 09:37 AM

Nothing new to me. I always knew it would be a backdoor to a new rifle. Now they're gonna spend 2K on a weapon that's no better than a $500 M4. Great use of that limited budget there, MC. :rolleyes:

Excalibur 11-30-2016 03:22 PM

Could also mean they spend less on 249s. Then again, I'm also hearing how they are experimenting on outfitting whole battalions with suppressors.

commando552 11-30-2016 04:13 PM


Originally Posted by Excalibur (Post 43116)
Could also mean they spend less on 249s. Then again, I'm also hearing how they are experimenting on outfitting whole battalions with suppressors.

I was reading about that the other day, apparently they already have suppressors for their M4s and M27s and are getting suppressors for their M249s and M240s from MARSOC. Next comes the tricky part though, in that they are also going to suppress all of the M2HBs. Has any military ever tried to suppress a .50 cal machine gun before?

Excalibur 12-01-2016 04:07 PM

It can be done. I've seen it in the civilian world, but not sure if the military has the budget for that kind of modification to a gun that was never meant to be suppressed. It's like suppressing the minigun...

Also, does this mean they're suppressing all the mk 19s?

Spartan198 12-01-2016 11:03 PM


Originally Posted by Excalibur (Post 43123)
Also, does this mean they're suppressing all the mk 19s?

Pfft! You're not thinking big enough.

StanTheMan 12-07-2016 08:18 PM

Nothing like "advancement" for the sake of advancement, even for the Corps who generally don't have the dough to blow on every new fancy gun and gadget that comes down the line and have generally been able to do their job just fine with the hand-me-downs. But I guess some MICC porkers got new Audis and vacation homes to pay for. :rolleyes:

Excalibur 12-09-2016 02:19 PM

I thought the same thing too for the Corps until I started seeing every Marine with a $1000+ ACOG on all their rifles and worse, some with no rear iron sights attached

Spartan198 12-11-2016 12:18 PM


Originally Posted by Excalibur (Post 43136)
I thought the same thing too for the Corps until I started seeing every Marine with a $1000+ ACOG on all their rifles and worse, some with no rear iron sights attached

You sure some of them didn't just have the carry handle stuck somewhere out of the way, like this?

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